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Everything posted by brog

  1. Nice set up pal! Dog aint to bad either! he does for me
  2. had a walk out today with twobobdog1 and the first earth we tried was empty but 30 foot away was another earth that was holding collard up twobobs old dog and sliped him in after a few minuets a good steady bay could be herd so we located him at 1.1 apart from 6 inches of chalk it was nice digging after about 20 minuets we broke through and disspached a large dog fox. then we made our way to the next earth a nice three holer this time we used twobobs young black dog this was his third time to ground and he worked very well we dug him at .9 in about 15 minuets and he was very much on
  3. this is my young dog with a fair bit of wheeler blood
  4. some handy looking terriers there tatty .....
  5. put him to my b and t bitch and had 7 pups gave 5 away to mates so next season we can see what they make ........thay have only been on rats so far
  6. the dog was a bit shy of the picture takeing
  7. What sort of advice is that ! Relocating it just makes a problem for somebody else and we all know that urban foxes dont make it in the countryside.
  8. me and twobobdog1 had awalk out today and checked a few earths and managed to find 1 ocupied and entered twobobs old boy ,,,,,,,,,,after about 20 mins he had bottled him up and stoped moving so we made a start digging and the ground was lovely apart from the roots it was easy going and we broke through after 1 hour and 10 mins lifted the dog and dispached the fox all in all a good day ............................this is twobob on the last foot i dug the first six....
  9. they look handy dogs and used by the looks of it a.t.b brog
  10. some say they dig ..................and some dig...................
  11. i think your a good judge of caracter and rey is a complete nob head........
  12. about 11 1/2 months now.....its the brother to the bitch you was looking after Thought it was mate, I'm no know it all experienced terrier man, but I'd say hold him back a bit even though he's started well... ive dug plenty infront of him and just let him watch and its hard not to use him but i will only let him go in places i am 100 percent about but i will hold him back with a little look now and then
  13. i try to put all the odds in his faver.......the rest is up to him a.t.b brog
  14. hes got them for digging ......something you no nothing about nob head look brog, i aint doin' this pish with you again!!! Duno what your problem with me is, but ive done plenty diggin' in my days, just not doin' too much of it with my current terrier cos im off to the army in January, as ive already explained! your dogs doin' well, so congrats, but as for your need to start pointless and time wasting arguments if you see a thread that ive started dont post .......
  15. hes got them for digging ......something you no nothing about nob head
  16. about 11 1/2 months now.....its the brother to the bitch you was looking after
  17. must of been a deep 1 or f*****g hard
  18. MANY THANKS BREAKFAST ON YOU NEXT TME REGARDS DABBER no problem ........hopefully do a bit of digging next time a.t.b brog
  19. cheers for the comments lads
  20. we only came for the breakfast ...
  21. whent out thismorning checked a few earth with no luck then found a new earth what was used and looked easy so tryed the pup only his 2nd go and he worked like a vetran he stayed in one spot for about ten mins at .9 but from what i could hear he was not up to the fox and was digging so we left him for a little longer and he had dug on another 8 foot on and stoped at 1.2 we left him for another 10 mins then started to dig but things whernt as easy as they seemed the top 3 inches was dirt then the next 3 1/2 foot was chalk and it took us another 50 mins to get down and breack through ..........
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