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Everything posted by brog

  1. just waiting for the weather then we will do a little bit
  2. looks like strawberry blond to me
  3. hes looking well :thumbs:
  4. shes looking well if its anything like mine its a proper little c##t
  5. spot on buster a shit bag is a shit bag and no amount of time will change that.
  6. young dogs dont always get it right first time its when they wont go back in or keep coming out you need to worry
  7. not that long but the dog stayed till dug would yours if mine stayed till i dug to em they would die of starvation thats why ive got your number on speed dial it makes me to see you atempt digging .....we will train you
  8. not that long but the dog stayed till dug would yours
  9. shes a game bred patterwawa
  10. ive always taught him to cry when he sees strange men and you dont get much stranger ..........best of luck with the pup and see you soon
  11. this is the dam the pups the one with no white is yours
  12. seen that lucy on a dvd handy little bitch
  13. 10 week old black bitch pup here if he wants it ......it wont replace his bitch but its a start.......a.t.b brog
  14. brog

    Anyone in Kent?

    if you join the kent fell and moreland you might meet someone hoo can help
  15. cheers for that topper your digging gear was a bit quick for me but i stuck it out
  16. good show j the digging comp was a good crack its a pity you couldnt keep up
  17. cheers buster you cant keep them all............thats a hint if you get a spare one
  18. 8 weeks and you no youre welcome to a pup
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