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Everything posted by brog

  1. what is the most foxes you have caught in one nights lamping with one dog ? and what cross
  2. not a lover of russels but your dogs look goodens and the pups look crackers a.t.b brog
  3. not noing is the best part of digging .........and conquering a big deep earth is the best feeling ever and a true test of your dog ...........some of the easyest digs ive had have been earths ots of people would walk past
  4. cheers kev how you been getting on
  5. its brog holding it then sorry just seen 6ft 7 hes not that tall i ait far off short arse Not far off 22stone that would be your left ear dumbo
  6. the weathers turning now it can only get better
  7. its brog holding it then sorry just seen 6ft 7 hes not that tall i ait far off short arse
  8. had a callout saturday to get rid off a pest ...entered the my dog at 6 oclock and left him for 15 mins to settle in then got a mark of 2.3 and started to dig after 2 hours of digging and we couldnt get no further the ground was like rock so the keeper went for help and 20 mins later came back with a digger once the digger was there the dig was opened up more and down a couple more foot and then we jumped back in to finish the last foot and break through to the dog the quarry was shot and dog watered and cleaned then the clean up what was easy due to the digger the keeper was well hap
  9. thanks for the comments lads
  10. i will show him mate the bitch is coming on well i wil call you tomorrow
  11. i have no need to talk shit thoughs ho no me no i have no need to talk shit and thoughs that dont no me can believe what that want It was only a suggestion, keep your knickers on lad. Lol good luck in your season mud dog a.t.b brog
  12. i have no need to talk shit thoughs ho no me no i have no need to talk shit and thoughs that dont no me can believe what that want
  13. baged and weighed .....and i was telling porkys about the weight to make my mates dog look hard
  14. looks like you have owened some good dogs in your time liam nice to see a.t.b brog
  15. me twobobdog1 and chase444 and a mate went out today two cheek a couple of earths and ended digging two good foxes one weighed 29 pound and the other was a good size to the first dig was to a red bitch owened by chase444 of this site it seemed it would be easy when the locater read 0.6 but the dig was full of real big roots so after just over 1 hour we broke through to the bitch hoo had been baying well up tight to her game the second dig was to a mates young black bitch this is her first season and her second dig and the little bitch done very well a nice dig of just 0.7 and the
  16. i once owned a dog and once entered to deer he would try and take horses I once entered a horse and when it stepped back it stood on my foot and broke 3 toes. Never again. FTB well done
  17. i once owned a dog and once entered to deer he would try and take horses
  18. was the bull ok after that poor thing could of put its neck out useing that sort of force
  19. if you phone work and tell your boss your sick and he says how sick say im f*****g my sister...........you dont get much sicker
  20. your so ugly you could grin a rat to death at 100 yards
  21. i am still rolling yours never knew you where into asian women? :D :D has she got a pulse no but she has a cock lol shes had more than 1
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