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Everything posted by brog

  2. he was one of the best terriers i ever had the pleasure to dig a proper digging dog he had to be pts at the end of last season rip fell ...........ps owned by twobobdog1 but i would of made space
  3. no there were also a bear two goats a chicken with one wing and three wild bore and a midget ho said he was only passing through hahahah class, fully clas silly questions get silly answers
  4. good stuff dab thats a big mother...... ......speak soon
  5. seen a real good hancock dog on fox before and i seen him take plenty then one night just didnt want no more it was gutting for the lad but thats dogs
  6. if you find it horrible shot them first i hope this helps
  7. i reckon he wants a pup out the new stock of downsouths no mate are you sure
  8. i reckon he wants a pup out the new stock of downsouths
  9. whats up mate r bummed you lol lol r bummed me?? yuor the 1 blowin smoke up r arse yuo fagot. infkt r asnt got a gud word to say abuot yuo. krashd animor cars latli runin ova to r for a nite out yuo wanabe wannabe lol lol dont hide under bullshit names on here to slag peeps tho do i you know who i am so who a you got summat to say say it to r stead a chatting on here doubt you live far from him Did you two go to the same school? come on down south spill the beans when you took me lampin with gem we add 4dog foxes and 2vixons in january and that was about 3 hours work if im rig
  10. well done danny good going did you get any pics
  11. no there were also a bear two goats a chicken with one wing and three wild bore and a midget ho said he was only passing through
  12. whats up mate r bummed you lol lol r bummed me?? yuor the 1 blowin smoke up r arse yuo fagot. infkt r asnt got a gud word to say abuot yuo. krashd animor cars latli runin ova to r for a nite out yuo wanabe wannabe lol lol dont hide under bullshit names on here to slag peeps tho do i you know who i am so who a you got summat to say say it to r stead a chatting on here doubt you live far from him Did you two go to the same school? come on down south spill the beans when you took me lampin with gem we add 4dog foxes and 2vixons in january and that was about 3 hours work if im rig
  13. hes first cross deerhound greyhound
  14. you dont need them in a defender
  15. shoot 4 this week and he retrieved all of them well ....i might try him on pigeon next
  16. whent shooting lastnight with my boy and shot a nice size fox ...i no this isnt the shooting section but the lurcher retrieved it once dead
  17. was that with 2 dogs run single or 2 dogs together ? eitherway stil good numbers a.t.b brog
  19. i thought there would of been plenty of people on hear ho dun a few foxes pre ban
  20. 5 seems a fair number......what x was the dog..........and what dont you like about billy bread dogs ive only seen 1 myself and he was the best bull x ive seen yet becous billy bread dogs anit got no pdigree to speek of..reecer ad the dog gid not nowin the breadin and tryd pasin it of as a half x. i sen the billy dog work and it was no beter than [bANNED TEXT] els was out ther at the time.he bread the ars out of the dog to any bitch whoos oner had the stud fee in his poket.it culdnt catch a fox in a fone box and thats a fakt i can only go on what ive seen myself and the oneive seen wa
  21. if you read my answer i said ive only seen 1 billy bread dog and he was the best bull x ive seen and ive seen lots of bull xs
  22. 5 seems a fair number......what x was the dog..........and what dont you like about billy bread dogs ive only seen 1 myself and he was the best bull x ive seen yet
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