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Everything posted by brog

  1. not you forager that wan.ker diggingmad
  2. ive just had a pm and your a wrongen digger
  3. you just need to ask your self old f****r .........
  4. we had another one but some old f****r has it
  5. Your not having one im shore he is
  6. with the money your make from them pups you should be allright
  7. yes mate had a few digs with it already good boxes ...you been busy
  8. i will have a shovel how do you want paying
  9. not broke........just screws together so it fits in a bag out the way didnt have permition there then brog hows tricks fella, drop me a PM.. ive been there twice and not been cought so it must be permition not realy i only dig on permition
  10. my boy in a sandpit makes you look bad its painfull to watch you try digging
  11. are you feeling allright after yesterday watching us dig must wear you out lol .....two days on the trot would kill ya
  12. not broke........just screws together so it fits in a bag out the way
  13. had a walk out today to check a few earths ........after a few earths with no luck i got a good mark from the dog hoo wanted to get to ground so on with the coller and off he went i left him for about 20 mins to dig on to his quarry and settle down then got a mark on the locator of 1.3 ......the dig started of realy easy for about 2 foot then went rock hard so just chipping away took its time and it took just over an hour to break through then lift the dog and dispatch a good dog fox
  14. and another also with a shot fox
  15. thats were down south been workin when he said he was drilling i didnt think he ment that
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