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Everything posted by brog

  1. nice pups should make good rabbiters lol
  2. dont no how old the sire is brog will be able to tell you that one the dam is about nine or ten i think. hes not 3 yet but not far off
  3. the pups about 7 mounths and that was my old bitch we dug not this bitch
  4. this is the dam and this is the sire
  5. shes looking well mate should be spot on for next season
  6. Dont want to pick fault mate but you said no spade shotgun & phone, so phoned the mrs no spade only shotgun and phone .........................i was a bit slow there
  7. forager and ginger john you now you can have it alot better if you want it
  8. its £250 ono for everything
  9. sold all the rest last year just kept this tackle cos its hard to get back .......but its got to go
  10. just put this lot in the for sale section if any ones intrested
  11. over 100 plugs and lures .....over 70 spiners and spoons ......loads of trebles and traces and weights and bits LURES FROM 1 INCH TO 12 INCH ALL IN A BIG FREE SPIRIT HOLDALL £250 ono in kent pm for more details
  12. when ever your ready old boy ...have you seen your mate yet
  13. the only time im not digging is when you come jinx
  14. even though i sell them for a lot off money i still try and get working homes but if i struggle to sell any i might let you buy one as a last resort so to speak
  15. at the moment the chocs are selling rely well but ive been told that blue is the new choc ther makeing up to £2000 if anyone hears of a litter i need 2 bitches for my breeding program blue with a choc saddle ps cash waiting
  16. off dogtran off here theres a thread on here somewhere
  17. its not there working ability
  18. dont be modest you no you have SSSSSSSSSSSSSUPER BITCHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  19. i dont have that problem with my chocs there as good as cash ££££££££££££££££££££££ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ £$£$£$£$£$£$£$£$£$£$£$£$
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