went out early today to check some more earths the first 3 were empty but the next one was holding so collard up the old bitch and in she whent it was a very rangy spot with about 20 eyes .........i could hear the bitch baying away and after about 15 mins out pop a large fox that was missed by me and away he went out come the bitch only to re enter the other end of the earth after 10 mins i located the bitch at 1.2 and she wasnt up to her game yet and she was digging on so i left her for another 15 mins and had a listen and now she was on and baying strong still at 1.2 about 4 foot on from th
since he was 11 months old ive dug this dog in lots of different places real big spots and deep spots and places were ive seen tryed and tested dogs fail and hes never let me down ................and hes a digging dog at the end of the day and he could be lost tomorrow and i didnt want to be left thinking i wish i bred from him.........i no the risk with breeding from young dogs and so do the lads i gave pups to but if it all goes well and he keeps doing what he does then i will be happy
but if he jacks and it all goes wrong i can only blame myself but only time will tell and he will keep
tricky spots are where they like .....so you got to try them
Don't i know it,i once dug down to a fox in the boot of a half buried car
was there any other goodies in the boot
since he was 11 months old ive dug this dog in lots of different places real big spots and deep spots and places were ive seen tryed and tested dogs fail and hes never let me down ................and hes a digging dog at the end of the day and he could be lost tomorrow and i didnt want to be left thinking i wish i bred from him.........i no the risk with breeding from young dogs and so do the lads i gave pups to but if it all goes well and he keeps doing what he does then i will be happy
but if he jacks and it all goes wrong i can only blame myself but only time will tell and he will ke
she will be digging well after you OLD BOY
Not unless you get some weight off her mate ,serious.
i no what your saying mate but 5 foxes in 3 days aint bad for a fat old bitch i will try and get her out a bit more to see if she drops a few pound
went out for another walk with the old bitch today to check a few earths after checking about 20 earths with no joy i tryed an old pit that was full of old scrap so i let the bitch of to see what she could find and after a bit of serching around she entered a pile of scrap under an old chest freezer and started to bay and out poped mr fox ho was quickly dispatched
bit more luck today i took the little choc bitch out and the first earth i tryed was a 5 eyed spot and little bitch shot strait in and baying about five mins later out comes the fox with the little bitch up its arse i checked a lot more earths with nothing but five in three days hope this keeps up
cheers mate hes been a real good dog so far im well pleased with him say hello to kp for me .............and i hope the season keeps going well for you
went out yesterday morning for a little mooch and check a few earths the first few earths where empty then checked a concrete pipe that runs about 60 feet .........so let the old bitch in and she was strait on after about a few bays out comes a nice size fox job done nice and easy then on to check a few more and it didnt take long and the old bitch was on again this time in a 2 eyed earth left her to settle and see if we got another bolt but they stayed still and the mark was only .7 so a quick dig the bitch lifted and fox dispached another easy one done
so i thought i would try my lu