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Everything posted by lee81

  1. you shuld have put this post up in general talk anyway a name for a dog ? nelson or rebel
  2. my birds not arsed what i do with the dogs if she dont see me skin and gut rabs she will cook um the only thing is i carnt walk my dog without a muzzul after he killed a cat
  3. im looking for a pat pup id prefer a broken coat must be dew clawd and docked will get a good working home the pup will be used for rating and ferreting and will be for life
  4. lets see your lurchers in full flight action pics only any breed any size
  5. he proberbly wants a chock bitch mate. i wunder wy not for working thats for sure
  6. why pick colour ? insted of workercross worker are you after a pet or a tool
  7. my two sal/whipp/gray at 9 month i will put a recent pic up tomorrow
  8. lure machine wanted used or new atb lee
  9. pm sent but forgot to ask if hes been dew clawd
  10. yes i hooked one once when i was pike fishing
  11. chuld do with some rabbits please last few ferreting trips out have not been very good i havent had a rabbit dinner in ages im in warrington atb lee
  12. good cross fast smart and will run all night if you keep um fit good all rounders and can cope with any game if you dont rush them heres a pic off my and my brothers at 9 months the dogs are brothers too and very esay to train
  13. welcome pal im from warrington too happy hunting
  14. he looked th the same as yours when he was a pup hes 13 months old 24tts and was so easy to train he has taken all game and very fast
  15. hes a spit of my dog same breeding this is him at 9 months
  16. i didnt know there was two different types of the stuff i got told you can get it from any horse feed shop
  17. thanks dogmagic all dog men shuld put there dog first work um hard rest them well
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