when its a pup give it some fresh rabbit skins to play with play tug of war with it pups love when you take it for a walk take a rabbit skin and hide it in cover not too deep at first to start with nice and easy and tell the pup well done when it fines it make it a game i allways say find it when it starts to retrive it try placeing the skin in deeper cover this what i did with my plummer and shes smashing into brambels and bushed lots of rabbits out and shes only 7 months old when your terrier starts working cover keep your lurchers on slip at first then the lurchers will leran when the
i didnt go on any waiting list pal but had been after one for a long time then seen one on here for £120 bargin and i think she only got sold becouse none of his mates wanted her iwas gonner get another for £300 but didnt bother too much money