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Everything posted by smiffie23

  1. Haha! We were playing about with the new i-phone and me and the dog actually ran on different days, except for the last few scenes where he was catching me and we were in the same shot. Not being a runner, my hamstrings are still killing me. Thought it was a bit of fun to show off the sierra where I live to folks interested in warm-weather training on some of the training fórums I frequent. Glad you had a chuckle Well you can defonetly shift .lol.
  2. Not a terrier man myself but I really like these .
  3. Beauties mate. Keep up the good work.
  4. I'd like a link to that as well please mate.
  5. Had a walk out on tues last week with gok and did the 3rd and last drop on the field near the graveyard. set up walked out onto the road and walked down to the other end of the field and set off back up had a quick flick with my lamp and saw 1 the made it safe under some tree roots but that seemed to be it out walked back up to the net and just the one nicely balled up in the net. no more to be seen so we will call it a day on that field . we have a new one in site .forgot to take a pic in the field as it was pissing down but took one when I got in. cheers stu
  6. Excellent guy to deal with. Highly recommend . Stu.
  7. Does anyone know or recommend soneone to make me a light weight double box that can take 2 jills each end. Ive pm moxy as I seem to remember he did them if any one knows him can they pass on a message to that extent please. Many thanks stu.
  8. looking at the pic in your avatar archie and by the looks of your wall paper is starting to peel. . .might want to glue that down before it gets worse. . . good day ferreting by the way. stu
  9. Fantastic write up. You should send that off to a magazine. Stu.
  10. Poor fecker. Why would you. Lol.looked mortified. .
  11. Good result there pal. apart from the net of course.getting itchy to go about out myself.
  12. Got the blue clubrighter I think pistol grip type. Good for a little mooch but not a patch on my striker.
  13. Love it . . No mongs. Made me spit my brew out. Pmsl.
  14. Thanks for that I'll give that a bash next time.
  15. Good trip by the sounds of things buddy. Jasper done you proud. Stu
  16. In your case it could be many things that caused the rabbits not to be in the net. Did you tail the nets? When rabbits hit the net at full speed they stretch the netting taught and unless their heads go through a mesh are unlikley to get caught at the first go, they usually bounce and then try again, or run along the net and if the net is not tailed they will escape. When a rabbit is walked slowly into a net they usually try and push their way through a net, to do that they have to be standing on the net and that is when they get their claws tangled (especially with a double stranded net)
  17. Good advise that mate. We have just been flicking it behind them if you like. Kind of herding them in the right direction. Lucky we are on permission so that side is not a problem.but if we were to be just wondering round it would have to be in the dark. Lol.
  18. well me and gok planned to do a warren that is on our land but the bunnys feed on the feild next to ours. only when we got there most of the feild was a lake , geese on it the lot . . . exactly where the rabbits usually feed .lol . . any way we dropped the net more as practise than in hope. lol walked the feild and we saw odd one on far side but they hit the far side hedge.so lifted the net and went back to the warren we dropped last week. set the nets and did the walk. couple went of too one side but three hit the nets . . . . result. right good fun . stu battery was low on my phone and
  19. Jost got into long netting at night. Loving it. One is all it needs too make the night . Stu
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