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Everything posted by smiffie23

  1. I agree mate. When the old guy got angry he put a better point across .bit of passion and fire but made sense. Different world over there.
  2. Yes pal . Most of smacked it in the bonce. Right crack.
  3. I won it in a comp on lurcher and longdogs site. So I couldn't tell you. Think they are 10.5 ml bearings. I prefer them a tad bigger but that said they did the job.lol
  4. Well managed a first today. Only had a coup of kills with the catty but been getting mega close. Knew it was only a matter of time. Well chuffed.
  5. Only went to the last one . Never was into running dogs just had an interest . It's what made me get 1. Loved all 3 days of it and made me gutted I didn't go sooner. Fantastic memories of that event .
  6. Well me and Danny had another sneak with the long net. Weather started off ok. But by time we'd walked there it was clear and prity still. Tried 2 drops in different spots. First drop we had 1 and heard a few shoot in to bushes around us . We noticed how bright it is with out the fog we had last time. Artifical lights of industrial estate .. The fog helped no end last time. Second drop was a blank. But beats watching bake off on TV. Lol. Still no young.
  7. Cheers lads .More good luck than good management.lol
  8. We set off at about 10. Give the last dog walkers time to go and settle down a bit.so probably 10.30 ish. 5 mins away by car but we walked it via fields etc .lol.they had been feeding well as there guts were stuffed . Not a puff of wind but loads of mist. I could hardly tell were I was as i walked the field.
  9. Well me and Danny abandoned out long net Misson on Fri as it was still as anything and bright as day. Bugger. . .so we went tonight. Set the first 50 yards out and it had a fee tangles in so as we were pissing about confidence was shall we say low.....mist had dropped whilst we were out so all was not lost. I set off on the lap of honor . I'd only gone 50 yards when I heard the first squeal . Result. By the time I'd chased 1 around and nearly stood on it (why don't we ever get dippy 1s when we're lamping with the dogs)Danny had clumped 3 on the bonce. Missed a few but made a not of where to se
  10. Cracking read . Felt like u was there. Lol. Hope things continue on the up for you.
  11. I don't know any of these people but i.ll chip in towards buying the lad his pup. Bet he's gutted . Send me a PM with the details and I'll pay pal some dosh . Stu.
  12. On the fish already .lol. Glad you got sorted.
  13. Got to be called Spot . .
  14. I added this to my dogs diet a full tub back. Never said anything and the first mate who came round who's a dog lad said. Bloody hell they look well have you changed something they look really well. So I'm keeping on it .lol
  15. I'm looking for a decent lure coursing unit. Not got the technical skills required or time to make one.lol. North west ideally . PM me if you have any thing not being used. Many thanks stuart.
  16. Don't know you from Adam but you made the right decision mate . Stu .
  17. Any one got a post code please . Stu
  18. have to say i use a b and q cheapy and hammered it no problems 90 quid , had 3 years upto now. if it gets nicked out the shed no biggy if it blows up no biggy . light quiet and easy to use. unless your chopping giant red wood cant go wrong.
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