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Everything posted by Hywel

  1. Strong looking dogs you've got there. Very nice indeed.
  2. Likewise, but when I have not had a snipped hob in the past the ones that are not bred from get the Jill jab.
  3. As important as a good dog on a day out. Without the ferret doing the business below ground, the opportunities up above are drastically reduced.
  4. How old is he? near 18months mate Nice dog, good luck with him
  5. Exactly the same here Walshie. I also have the left hander, due to being left eye dominant when I shoot. However, I am considering going back to the Mossberg Hushpower 410g out of personal preference.
  6. Ive got a bitch pup on now 4 months old shes bred 5/8 3/8th grey/bull Dam 24.5tts,, Full saluki sire 26tts will get pics up over weekend,, I think if this cross throws wright then in the wright hands i think they will take some beating as a allround animal buckets of vigour. 4 months old shes bred 5/8 3/8th grey/bull Dam 24.5tts,, Full saluki sire 26tts Only just seen this post mate, she looks a nice type. Good to see after the bad luck you have had
  7. Absolute nightmare and is happening all to often these days I hope you get your dog back soon bully...
  8. Very healthy looking pups indeed
  9. Good post bud, I'm sure that larder will have some new additions soon
  10. And vino as well, very nice (I bet its rabbit for tea)
  11. This is an excellent reference book for both the novice and experienced lurcher owner alike. I regularly use this book to assist with issues presented
  12. I've never had it that easy and I'm also in the same area as yourself. Just out of interest, which officer visited you (PM me would be better).
  13. Excellent stuff I've had Rob do some work for me and I was really pleased
  14. Should be some nice venison sausages there though
  15. Hywel

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    Some good pics there
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