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willy 1 shot

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Everything posted by willy 1 shot

  1. Been to see this bitch workin she is a real machine on rabbits and it screams like hell when it finds them.sadly it has,nt done any bird work so was,nt really for me.but its a steal at that price.hope this helps mate.all the best.martin.
  2. Been to see this bitch workin she is a real machine on rabbits and it screams like hell when it finds them.sadly it has,nt done any bird work so was,nt really for me.but its a steal at that price.hope this helps mate.all the best.martin.
  3. Been to see this bitch workin she is a real machine on rabbits and it screams like hell when it finds them.sadly it has,nt done any bird work so was,nt really for me.but its a steal at that price.hope this helps mate.all the best.martin.
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