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Everything posted by donkdaniel

  1. Ye loves his grub don't know where he gets that from must be his mother
  2. great pics mate thats how i started out on small river with small brownies best way i think mate good on you dude
  3. I hope so too darbo took him to a show today he played all day with the kids and took the terrier in the ring it's all about making it fun at this age I think atb chris
  4. Cheers steevie I got a feeling he will mate atb chris
  5. Same as me mate well we try and give what we can just hope it keeps him out of trouble in later years that's all that matters to me atb donk
  6. I hope it does too mate he won't be happy if it doesn't lol
  7. ha ha is that why I'm going through a divorce lol
  8. boy just turned 4 so got him couple of ferrets and a bushing terrier
  9. ye im hopeing mate my father was never into the hunting fishing stuff but rugby was a diffrent story he pushed me in that and i thank him for it now i can call on maybe 60 lads to come out for a drink on a sat night
  10. thats maddness mate got to have a bit of drive in them helps them later on in life atb chris
  11. ye it does red im happy hes into the outdoor stuff ferreting this year now got him a bushing terrier so hopefully he will get the bug hes like my new best butty
  12. he doesnt need luck mate hes one of these kids that seem to have drive from the start hes only just turned 4 this is him in his sports day felt sorry for the other kids tbh
  13. Well my boy had been nagging me to go fishing again so off to the local trout lake we headed he managed 4 last time and was chuffed this time he was on a mission he managed 7 this time and was pouting because he didnt catch 8 he so i was pennyless by the end off it but these experiences are priceless some pics of the day atb donk
  14. How did you get them black n white matey? Atb chris
  15. Good day no racing but still good standard of mutts tbh both bitches in season so I couldn't take mine atb chris
  16. Get a pic up mate and some pics of the parents atb chris
  17. mmmmmmm what to do? decisions decisions

  18. as i said ill be passing on the kind offer of the whippet and try another terrier hopefully the next one will work out and the trial i have goes well lol atb donk
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