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Everything posted by donkdaniel

  1. Not as pretty as mine and looks alot slower ha ha atb dude
  2. Oh she's a fast one Craig mate lol be glad when that puppy coat goes bloody hacksaw blade is having a hammering get a pick up of yours mate atb chris
  3. cheers rich quality time he loves the dogs been taking loads of pics to show him when hes older bit of luck he will stick with the dogs
  4. shes near as damn it a 1/2 cross mate nice cheers mate im happy with her
  5. shes near as damn it a 1/2 cross mate
  6. hope she goes ok vin shes the one that got knocked out last week by the horse shes just gone a year old mate hope she makes the grade showing good potential atm mate
  7. yes mate its not a bad river had a good run of sea trout last year too mate
  9. Awsome mate mines the same thay love the muts and its learning them respect from an early age mate atb chris
  10. I thought I was in the same situation for about 3 mins mate I can't say I won't work her near horses as its impossible most of my farms got the twats on but I have learnt my lesson and will not spooke them around my dogs again atb chris
  11. I do both but have learned that you really have to trust the person your taking on your land or you get shit on big style as alot of boys can't talk to farmers and are to shit to ask for their own permission atb donk
  12. She almost didn't see her year birthday it was the next day I've got high hopes for this bitch too I was sick when it happend
  13. Jaw was fine mate the kick hit the top left hand side of of the scull just above the eye she's a bit sore there but apart from that I think she's ok went out for a little stroll last night and she seemed alert and up on her toes she had some venison as a treat atb donk
  14. Worst part about this little lesson is I've grown up ridding horses now the dangers of them just a stupid thing to do but there you go as long as you learn from your mistakes I suppose and lucky it wasn't to big of a mistake
  15. Well out wends 930 ish farmer had just cut the grass and as we know it can be very productive time anyway was down the bottom fields as I looked up to the top spotted what we were after mooching about in the middle of a feild so a short walk up with the two dogs held in each hand by the collars I get to the top of the feild thers a 5 bar gate beetween me and the quarry so I move to the side down on my knees just behind a hedge start sqweeking it in now it's flying in only trouble is there's 3 horses followed us up and positioned themselfs on the gate problem is can't get them out the way becau
  16. One name Brian Moore what a horrible little man atb donk
  17. Yes I now that saying gaff seems right with this one she's a year old tomorrow and is very puppyish but she's not a monster only about 26 she's a deer hound colie bull grey really have bonded with this dog so I'm hopeing it will come good doing well on the bunnies so far so fingers crossed atb donk
  18. Here's something to throw in to you guys that have experience of dh xs I've got a Lurcher pup here she will be 12 months in a couple of days but she is still very puppyish really soppy she's got 1/4 dh in her I've heared the dh xs are slow physically and mentally to develop what do you guys think of this? Atb donk
  19. If its only a bit of rabbiting what about a whippet atb donk
  20. Raceing at llansadwrn Carmarthen tomorow night 630pm start hurdles and straight very good night atb donk
  21. 6 months is too young mate get your training nailed right down first mate I wouldent recommend him seing anything till he's at least 10 months or he well be overmatched and start yapping behind rabbits whippets are renowned for it so just take your time when he's older he will switch on his self if your talking lamping you need to walk him up to sitters ( when he's older) and he will soon sort his self out this is just my opinion no doubt someone will disagree or perhaps add their bit of help for you anyway good luck and well done for asking to many dogs messed up just because people don't kno
  22. There would be alot less hunting that's for sure I wouldent mind slamming that up against an oak tree!!!!!!! Atb donk
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