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Everything posted by donkdaniel

  1. blits 240 veriol power never let me down
  2. its so frustrating been out a month now back to the kennel for him then good job ive got back up id never just have one dog
  3. pm sent come on lads help the lad out weve all got to start somewere and i know you dont know it all
  4. or the ones that say nice dog just to bump the posts up lol na people that are out there doing it people that look after their dogs better than them selfs people that would rather find a good home for a dog rather than take a wad of cash ive met a few good men
  5. f**k me mate cant keep up with you and your dogs what have you got now ? did you get rid of the bitch and the pat? where did you have that one from?
  6. never heard of this mate can you alabarate sounds good
  7. well lads i was out with my 2 lurchers doing some day work in my local forestry when the two of them take of their gone for about ten minutes and thay come troting up the track and my older collie cross is limping quick inspection of his foot and hes opend his pad up so i do the usual clean it powder and a week of light work also ive been bathing it in salt water alls been graet so i thought id give them both a burn out today up the forrest and low and behold hes opend it up again just wondering anybody know of anything that will get this sorted as i want to get him out on the lamp dont like
  8. Get a lithium 22 volt awesome bit of kit last you all night with a blits
  9. i already said that so what mate.... If someone wants to put in there imput then so be it... And what you had "already " said, wasnt rocket science, was it. i was having a laugh u cock fanny, you werent..
  10. i already said that sorry if i offended you rocky so what mate.... If someone wants to put in there imput then so be it... And what you had "already " said, wasnt rocket science, was it.
  11. i already said that so what mate.... If someone wants to put in there imput then so be it... And what you had "already " said, wasnt rocket science, was it. i was having a laugh u cock
  12. nice pup mate should make a graet dog only live down the road from you if you want a night out with me later on when the pup is a bit older to bring it on anyway hope all goes well for you just let it be a pup for now no pressure on it atb chris
  13. next seasons dog s,b,g x s,g that looks like a flyer mate cracker
  14. Anyone out tonight was hopping but fog is putting a stop to it at the moment
  15. me and moggs off here are out on 3 new farms we picked up last week going up to see a pup for moggs first then on to the lamping havent a clue what to expect fingers crossed for us lads the lamping has been hard sinse the cold snap ill let you know how we get on well we went out lad let moggs down on the pup so we were on the permision early had a good course on charlie boy but the dogs where verry unlucky when he did the vanishing act behind the tree trick then we moved on and had a couple of unsucsefull chases on rabbits 1 slip each rabbitts are really thing on the ground this yea
  16. nice pic phil do you ever reply to your text or what?
  17. good looking dogs mate dont worry mate rugby world cup is up soon you can get your own back then lol
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