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Everything posted by donkdaniel

  1. It isn't just china taken gear its rife through every sport and as I've said before thay either clamp down harder on it or just leave it go look at detain chambers ok he's clean now but he built his body up with steroids and muscle memory is still there it's still an unfair advantage anyway you look at it anyway rant over up to you what you do with your body but when your getting paid its a different matter atb donk
  2. I know what your saying mate my mates misses goes out lamping with him makes life alot easier and lets you be out with the dogs when you want or just do what I did and f**k her off lol atb donk your right mate wonder when this took wish my mrs was as keen with the dogs lol
  3. f**k that rich can't stand the long haired scruffy smelly twats can't beat a bit of cheesy dance to get you charged up lol
  4. Cheers dude lol look forward to it and if people don't like it don't lookie so remember no likey no lookey lol atb donk
  5. Retreating and jumping pretty high up stock breaking recall also very important after that whatever suites you there's a DVD out that will help you out it's called perdeys progress if you pm mr pit he will sort you a copy hope this helps atb donk
  6. That's the one fl pretty green eyes good old track for you lol
  7. It's the one with about songs on it awsome mate lol
  8. Try the new clubland cd got some banging tunes on that should make the dog run faster too!!!! Lol atb chris
  9. What happend to the cheesy dance dude? I'm highly disappointed in this music lol pull your finger out fl atb donk
  10. Learnt a long time ago not to argue about dogs there's a hell of alot more to worry about in this life try and help have a laugh but don't fall out over dogs not worth it lads takes the fun out of what were doing plus we should all stand together we got enough enemies withought fighting amongst our selfs atb donk
  11. We're going to need a bigger boat!
  12. The powder is really good all the horse eqien places good for this sort of stuff but get yourself a stapler mate atb donk
  13. Some cut down here out for a dusk mooch later atb chris
  14. Ha ha class put me down for a pup good crack that atb donk
  15. Awsome right up and look at those warrens clean nothing around them we can only dream of them in Wales keep the right up coming mate nice little whippet to mate atb donk
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