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Everything posted by donkdaniel

  1. Get to work then Donk , I'll be your site foreman
  2. I agree weve got millions of tons of coal in our hills open them up and give some boys the work makes no sense to me importing it atb donk
  3. I work for myself atb donk lol good post can see your point ha ha
  4. hi lads im looking for a stud for my mates whippet he wants something with a bit of beddy in it percentages not critical working ability is we need a stud asap as hes just asked me as someone he had lined up has let him down the bitch is a very good bitch as i said working ability is the most important thing and anything with a bit of beddy coat in the mix looked at anyway hope someone can help this lad money waiting atb donk
  5. Why don't you get a pockett rocket cover most bases with that mate atb donk
  6. Bloody he'll that would give a jack Russel a good scrap lol
  7. Ha ha just saw the pic of the one blacknight had bitch is looking good with him fair play atb donk
  8. Only one boy gave me money and that was because he wouldn't take no for an answer and that was £50 lol I'm glad he had it to because I saw it in the llansadwrn show two weeks ago and it was a cracker so rob if you've got a recent pic mate get it up atb donk
  9. I gave the pup to someone else for free then he had it off him don't now if he paid for it or not tbh all I know is I'll never give a litter away again as I got branded a peddler lol so when I do one in future I will be culling what I don't want then there's no problems atb donk
  10. Yes that is true moll that do seem to use cover on the hills to in patches of bushes dogs are always putting them out also seen buzzards up in the trees where the hares are and no rabbits so I do think that hunt them to atb donk Same here, but they do venture far and wide to feed.
  11. I think if thay did because of their size it would of had to be a big hole in turn a fox could easily get down to them I've seen foxes sqeeze into some tight spots even rabbit burrows but I think a hare burrow would be to big well that's my theory anyway atb donk
  12. Did you see the pup I bred down there Jeremy? Black knight had one of mine atb donk
  13. Yes plenty of food mate and you won't go far wrong same when pups come costs a fortune but it's worth it when you see the pups bouncing along atb donk
  14. Never mind mate glad thay have all gone for you good looking parents hope thay turn out like them atb donk
  15. Are all of thease dogs spoken for mate? Atb donk
  16. Somebody supposed to be picking it up wends lads but as we all now we get let down from time to time so I'm taking phone numbers down and if the lad is let down I will be making my way through the list I think ruby jet is first in line atb donk
  17. I'd rather his usual choice of tunes lol atb donk
  18. Looks like a place I know fast rabbits hard ground to run dogs did good good vid again dude atb donk
  19. Just had one given to me by a mate for my ferreting days atb donk
  20. Ha ha love the way thay took the heat off themselves by saying there was no microchip or collar supposed to be helping animals not killing them at least that's what thay preach to the hunting community what a f**k up
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