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Everything posted by donkdaniel

  1. Been doing up an old speed boat lately with the spare time it was a right wreck when we had it but it's looking tidy now and serviced the 70 hp jhonson the other day so she's ready to try so wish me luck lads where out tomorrow morning first thing wish us luck lol atb donk
  2. i love it when your at a show and the chaves love it because theire dog is this big aggresive thing lol certain game sort the men from the boys atb donk I agree but i cant see how a dog thats scared of dog would be good on the certain game your refering to. (not trying to be a c**t btw). At the end of the day mate, some dogs are smart enough to know that it's a dog and not quarry, that there is no point getting in a fight and getting stick, and that they may well get a clout from the boss. Some dogs can happily like chucking other stuff about, i'd think. I know I would
  3. i love it when your at a show and the chaves love it because theire dog is this big aggresive thing lol certain game sort the men from the boys atb donk I agree but i cant see how a dog thats scared of dog would be good on the certain game your refering to. (not trying to be a c**t btw). dont think you are mate but i have had experience of what you asked and i told you the result cant say anymore than that other than that mate get out and see for yourself atb donk
  4. i love it when your at a show and the chaves love it because theire dog is this big aggresive thing lol certain game sort the men from the boys atb donk
  5. I wouldrnt have a dog in my kennel that was nasty with other dogs what use would that be dogs scrapping in back when on your way lamping f**k that can't be doing with that dog must behave or f**k off!!! Atb donk
  6. No a dog that fights with other dogs doesn't always go into teath and vice versa I've seen some really timed bitches ruening basel brush pre ban of course atb donk
  7. Try this , get the dog on the lead walk in a straight line with the dog a couple of meters change direction at 180 degrees suddenly and firmly I mean take him off the floor if you have to the change of direction in the opposite direction has to be imidiate the dog will learn to be concentrating on you and not taking the piss and pulling repeat this untill he stops when he does stop keep walking giving him gentle praise this will work I promise you if your not strong enough let a mate who is do it it's always worked for me and if done correctly will work ps when changing direction do not tell t
  8. Its a Lurcher could throw to any blood that's init mate I've seen litters throw a 22" fully grown to a 29" it's a gamble atb donk
  9. The ones I've seen have been very good atb donk
  10. Is that the bitch I bread mate? Atb donk
  11. Nice dogs and good kennels well looked after hope thay look after you the same mate atb donk
  12. Ray don't lower your self to it mate it's a forum anybody hard behind a key board and ffs have some respect for ray he looks after his dogs and if one doesn't work put it's none of your business I've no doubt the new owner is happy atb donk dont know where you live , but doga know where i live ask him , i am not far from weston , come down any night save waiting till the shows so its still fresh in your mind
  13. Ps what thickness was that colar from ss? I tried the 2" on my 1/2 cross but it looked rediculas
  14. Like the look of him jer if it was a bitch I would of had that dog hope it works out for you got to put some work infront of your two young dogs got some work to do atb donk
  15. Ha ha soft git love it was going to go tonight but I'll have to get the boat off the drive keep em coming mate makes me smile that does atb donk
  16. The lad is sorted now thanks to Troter 58 cheers for all the help atb donk
  17. Your still pissed we smashed you in the rugby p***y lol atb donk
  18. Lol thank god you don't I would have a sore cock otherwise lol atb donk
  19. Long old way but I'll c what he says mate I would travel for it great offer mate atb donk
  20. Thanks for all replies so far lads keep em coming plz atb donk
  21. Earth a frigging gigalo is not a job ps I don't think I got my money worth last time lol atb donk
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