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Everything posted by Flynn

  1. The upsurge began, when the chance of amendments came in, wayyyyyyyyyyy before this.many many threads ago
  2. I have spoken with Trenchfoot and Penny, Alan was unavailabe at that time, we agreed, on many points... Trenchfoot knows where the dialogue ended and so do I at the very beginning, and not on this thread . I have always believed in telling the truth, to that end one can never be caught out in a lie. Having spoke with them both, i like what i heard and so it to be of benefit for a face to face meeting.Once Alan was available. I had said to trench in a pm, i feel the dogs of war snapping at my feet. iwas not disappointed As this topic has gone on, I have witnessed some
  3. I take that as you declining the offer to meet and discuss how we can move things forward? Alan has given me the above quote, thats as it stands.
  4. Please dont make assumptions S H H. When one is passion driven for the greater good, You have to think out side the stereotypical box. Humans will be humans after, that in its very nature is never easy to become unattached to what You know is right. As we ( the ALC) have a mixed bag of ages on board, with forward thinking the the ball is forever rolling, us older ones welcome such enthusiasm. also S H H i did get Your pm.it best left there
  5. I have conversed with Alan, he states ' If The steering group, have formed as a club they are more then welcome to join the AWL, or as individuals, as is the right of any others.'
  6. Alan is the Chair, he doesn;t need to log on to here to know whats going on, he delegates. Giro, is Pr. its part of his role.... One simply cannot sit * on the net * all day in order to reach other mediums , for the time being.
  7. You have a PM on Moochers from us I know. Thank You Sandy. but as above the full list of names. just add mushroom, he hadn't asked me to pm you so i didn't quote him, but he is involved non the less. So are You Saying Trenchfoot, SkyKat. Desertbred and Mushroom?
  8. Dress smartly, state what Your about,. Make the landowner aware , that You are in full knowledge of the Hunting Act Offer referances if You can, I wish You the very best of Luck.
  9. You have a PM on Moochers from us I know. Thank You Sandy. but as above the full list of names.
  10. As secretary of the AWL, could I please have the names of who are actually on the Steering group ?. Many Thanks Jayne.
  11. Your crazy Rob, I had You down as one of the good guys.
  12. As i have stated else where, and it was my intention to remain silent until we ( hopefully) set up a meeting with Alan and Your steering group , Desertbred and Paulus are doing a great job of knocking down bridges that have been built. I suggest You use some decorum, as Your peers are.
  13. so where is my sloe gin?oh duh!! i dont drink That's lucky, cos I have not made any. TC Are You sure? not made it and left it some where?
  14. Hopefully this may be a turning point to which we can all move forward. But what i will say, to any of You putting Yourselves out there, is not easy, ( we know ) and the internet is a cold emotionless platform to begin with, add Men into the equasion, we are doomed aint that so Penny? Joking aside, we have to gather our selves for the greater good and unite ( I HOPE )
  15. Its been many a year since i saw a Red, and that was in a small animal collection. Stunning photographs, thanks for sharing
  16. The lurcher rescues are at bursting point, and You are contemplating breeding?, but with which cross,? I urge You to re think, there are plenty of pups bred from tried and tested stock, for sale, all lurchers or long dogs of all kinds of crosses You wont make a fast buck whatever You choose to breed, for breeding takes time, money and dedication( if You do the Bitch and pups right, ) Give it some serious thought.
  17. An acquaintance ( I use the word loosely ) of mine, met up with a few locals for a nights lamping. the wife of one pleaded to go, BUT she had night blindness, so he said to her ' hold on to so and so,s coat and dont let go and done say one f ***** word..... of they set...... 2 hours later, they re group, the chaps wife was missing. ( he swore again ) so off they set looking for her, and in over 2 hours she could be anywhere. and hour later they found her, holding on to a horses coat walking aroung a paddock .......... why the feck did You not shout,? he yelled at her, she
  18. My other half, he took the lamp and never gave me it back now it's broken, i have to pay for another
  19. Certainly fills Your *eye * that pup
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