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Everything posted by Flynn

  1. to the OP i think You need to question what attributes You need the stud dog to bring to Your Bitch. also...... the stud dog, should have offspring working, so there fore proving this stud dog throws working stock and even more generations doing so (where poss) the chap i know who has this stud used to only keep bitches, but was also finding it hard to find a sutiable stud dog, hence he now has his own, i hope You find what You are looking for.. if You need any info on the Stud dog i have mentioned earlier feel free to ask... how ever i am NOT stupid as to whom i give out info to.....
  2. There is a chap who may not have logged on here for sometime, ( from North Yorks ) his line............... has gone on about 30 + years, he doesn't big up his dogs, they speak for themselves 6- 7 days a week, all collie based.
  3. Lie down You f****r............. cracks me up every time , how many dogs are called f****r? and aint lie and down the same?
  4. Feck it!... some Lurcher went missing from that way Xmas time, was found dead i think thru a prior injury, I will be on the look out and its not that far from Scunthorpe!!
  5. Well i am deeply saddened for You Shadrack ......, that this has occured, and i truely HOPE You get them back, think carefully of all the routes to and from the dog,s locations and ALL fields that the dogs could have been tried on..... ( dont think for one moment, they will miss and oppotunity to spin them! ) i know its a lot of hard work, but i am sure many mates are willing to Help You, these dogs are hot too handle as in they are well know to many .....BUT some one will have seen something ,a 4 x4 or simular.... a dog in a field so and and so forth and some of You are going to HAVE to
  6. Great Post and a great account of Your Day , Super Photos... Looks like a great day all told ..........bar the nettles
  7. What makes you say this? Collars can Kill.... i dont work mine ever with one, in the pre ban days...... the only collar we used was a very small up the neck and tight behind the ear jobby. I have seen many whippet types wearing those triple strap collars...... why a fashoin fad Like wise i dont turn horses out with head collars on........... experience taught me such I know blokes who've ran dogs collared up for 45 years and never had a collar related accident. I like running dogs with a collar on. Just personal preference. I would rather we stuck on topic ...........
  8. What makes you say this? Collars can Kill.... i dont work mine ever with one, in the pre ban days...... the only collar we used was a very small up the neck and tight behind the ear jobby. I have seen many whippet types wearing those triple strap collars...... why a fashoin fad Like wise i dont turn horses out with head collars on........... experience taught me such
  9. Smashing Pup, cant beat a collie X imho, looks a nice type Good Luck for the future , and just one note... try to loose the collar when You feels she is ready.
  10. He's a born a bred Yorkshire man,,, wich is surprise , cos he's so generous ,,, always wears the best clobber unlike me,, I'm the chav in the trakies... He does lamp,,, but not got much staminar,,, about 20 is his limit,,, but I think I think that comes down to not liking the carry,,he's just a rabbit partner,,, no stomach for the big stuff,,, and his sausages,, whilst not home made,,, are good quality from the butcher..... Anybody need a trial ...... er.....20 limit of what? i could be tempted if You could throw in a few... You knows BUT i dare say the voice box would have to
  11. I got marigolds on underneath em..lol. ps.. merry xmas old chap. Old? at least he has a full head of hair. and its au natural .......
  12. How was he bread? does he only walk in daylight? is the sausage home made? and does he take all quarry? wear chavvy stuff? and one final question, does he jib?
  13. Its a well Keepered area, i am told, so i would be inclined to ask around the shoots . Good Luck, Hope You get the dog back safe and sound
  14. I can only suggest that You phone and knock on doors of land owners and keepers etc, ( either way *GET THE WORD OUT THERE * ) were any one might have the dog away for quick spin , You may get lucky and i truley hope You do!
  15. trespassing in search of game is
  16. Yep i have his Jacket from the Forley Legends ere i think
  17. They was Buggers for scarpering off......trust me! You didn't want to be on the receiving end of Chris when they had............ I have still Your tie and tape here me dears
  18. The My Dog is better than Your dog brigade! .. never brave enough to say it to their face tho . but thats the internet for You.
  19. Always the Gent in every way Max.... never do i see You slag off another mans Dog... some should take note how You conduct Yourself... the Public and working dog Owners would be in a much better state, viewed in this way. Your a great inspiration to those who appreciate it
  20. Of 3 Lurchers being shot on Saturday near Louth Lincolnshire? This incident was meant to have occured on a shoot, the dogs in question were running loose in front of the guns, can anyone confirm this? My question is......... what the hell were the dogs doing running loose in front of guns? and further more..... and i am not known for swearing ( what were the fecking owners of the dogs doing allowing such ?) have they no respect for their dogs at all? just tools to be disposed of? i dont know were the Law stands on the Guns Killing the dogs BUT full blame lies with the owners of the dogs
  21. Flynn


    I agree there Young un Happy Days ,Happy times, a great bunch of like minded folk , i dare say i met a few of the more weirder ones mentioning no names of course.............. that would be a loaded answer . On a serious note i never know who is posting in whos account!!!! me too LOL XXX Of Course how could we forget You Mr Darcy LOL!!!
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