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Everything posted by craigos1234

  1. Yea mins doing well matee! she like 7 months ish i think.. ye she doign well iv taken her out to see other dogs run likee she seems pretty keen :)

  2. hemp!! feed like 2 swims then move to each one mix in sum pellet get a bed of ffeed down, either use pellet then or meat, keep swaping swims you'll soon find fish mate! all the best
  3. craigos1234


    Obviously wales are going to win haha
  4. 4 fox warriors, 4 emcasts, fox pod, m fox alarms, jrc roma dome, terry hearn bed chair, pro logic chair fox table, fox sleeping bag, fox bags! the generall sutff thennn saying that aint been fishing for too long! you mate?
  5. i watched it, was good likee.. i rekon hes alivee
  6. very nice, the young ones look in good condition
  7. gdgd..yes shes doing oritee like pissing me off abit haha turns def [bANNED TEXT] shes wants likee.. suppose just her being a pup likee..
  8. nice pup mate! hows she doing?
  9. my pup does that shes 5 months, shes fine in and around the house with call soon as we get places with people shes off jumping all over themm, winds me right up.. anyways be nice to hear peoples replys they'll help me aswell good luck
  10. heres a few pics from up by me, and the pups first outing in the snow
  11. craigos1234


    snowing here in southwales
  12. bbc i player its like 25 mins in
  13. twats! they got what they wanted and yet hassle the huntsman.. they should f**k off
  14. craigos1234


    got nufin to hide pal av a cheeky word with the neighbour init
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