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Everything posted by whippetlad1976

  1. Sounds like you might have over run her? She could be bored mate seen it with 1 of my own dogs before i eased up on them for a couple of weeks and just walked her then i took her out with a mate and his dog and she was bang at em again cant think of anything else Atb wl
  2. Judging off the fine pair of feet she has should be good for 22 imo atb with her Wl
  3. Imo if a small terrier can do it then why cant a bigger dog Atb
  4. Take your time with it get it well socialised and most important stock broken... Get the basics gping sit stay retrieve etc.... Its a lengthy process which needs patience Atb whippetlad
  5. Atb with it bud keep us updated Regards wl
  6. dog in the background looks like my bitch nice dogs mate
  7. whats the 240mm like in action matey? thinking of getting one in place of my 170 is there a big diff??? nice little catch there bud atb wl
  8. my dogs usually have chudleys but this bullx bitch i have now only goes for bakers complete which i add extra meat and oils too or a few eggs must say she is doing well on it and good on the digestive system to be fair atb wl
  9. use the skins for dummys and the lads share them out for feeding the dog/s atb
  10. im near you and sent pm get in touch asap atb
  11. sick of hearing of dogs getting nicked daily....b******s!

  12. copied the pic to my phone and sent it to all the lads on my phone there in devon kent all over wales to name a few places all i can do for ya mate im afraid... atb whippetlad
  13. was the pup shaking a bit by any chance? atb whippetlad
  14. The pup is part of a pack she is fighting for her place above the kids put her in her place asap mate my bitch is 6.5 months when the kids go to her she rolls over in submission stamp the authority in to the pup now Atb whippetlad
  15. just back from a few miles roadwork with new bullx bitch now for a few beers...

  16. Lithiums are the better option but very pricey 17 to 18 amp ph will be more than enough
  17. Just get yourself a lightforce 170-240mm dont bother with cheap ones you get what you pay for at the end of the day! Bit pricey but worth it when tested against others... Atb whippetlad. 
  18. Just get yourself a lightforce 170-240mm dont bother with cheap ones you get what you pay for at the end of the day! Bit pricey but worth it when tested against others... Atb whippetlad. 
  19. Get some brewers yeast matey some of that mixed in with the dogs meal works a treat... 
  20. Get some brewers yeast matey some of that mixed in with the dogs meal works a treat... 
  21. any genuine lads after a night out get digs sorted near me as i have no room otherwise would get you bunked up. and ill take you to some good land... atb whippetlad
  22. well i have plenty of paradise land around me plenty to run at and i would not be charging lads to come and run on it... £100 each and 4 rabbits out of it! would have asked for my money back....
  23. pups have a level of immunity anyway pal dont worry too much the jabs get to work fast as many vets always say as above posts mentioned its just procautionary stuff matey atb whippetlad
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