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Everything posted by willum

  1. got a safe from b and q bolted to the wall its a digital one with a key lock aswell this was deemed sufficient. For ammunition storage 50quid by email the way
  2. Norfolk you can't shoot fowl but in suffolk you can on a sunday
  3. Am feeding 7 kits and a Jill at mo on dry 8 quid a week it costs me but hey ho they are full of it and doing well am keeping 2 or 3 back have been let down by 2 people meant to be having the others just aswell I made a new hutch 2 day lol
  4. Mk2 xr2 Kent fast road rally cam kit 4 to 1 exhaust 2 and half inch straight to magnex exhaust k&n flat panel filter with a 127 jet in the carb stripped out used to have fun blowing away the golf. Crew in their gti lol then at 19 had a pug 205 gti lightened and balanced Kent cam again skimmed head ram air induction kit full stainless 4 branch manifold to 3” back box lowered stuck like sh*t a blanket many a great time back road blasting in it. Then to a citreon zx 2ltr 16v 160 bhp standard great sleeper car many a Gary boy blown away had the same engine as the s16 306 but lighter now mov
  5. 5 ferret kits free to good home all hand tame about 10 weeks now 1 buck 4 jills ready to go now
  6. As title says bsa. hornet 22 multi shot immaculate condition with scope and mod looking to sell with out pump though not even had 500 put through it had since new just don't ever use it looking for 350 pound .norfolk area face to face cash on collection no offers or swaps or part ex
  7. I had this same problems little while ago I got some effipro from vets done the dog ok the ferret and kits just a small squirt on all the kits and ferret rubbed it in gave a good clean out moved ferts out and gave a few blasts with cage and hutch insect spray from johnsons but all back in with clean bedding fleas went with in a couple of days not seen one since. Effipro 100ml from vets 18 quid a little goes along way.
  8. Bonny little pup mate there was a chap at a show this year down our way had 3 with him think it is the fella who you got yours from as we heard him saying there was going to be a litter at some point best of luck with the little tyke
  9. a mate of mine had some hornadaday rounds for his hmr when we were out last week we noticed splits in the neck ofnthe casing thought it mite be scoring them when chambering but checked the box and there were quite a few in there. Checked a brand new lot and they were the same so these are going back to the dealer that sold them. To add the ones that were split would fire ok but were a little off target but not to much
  10. Well we have been out after rooks crows but they haven't been showing up where the farmer has said but we have just shot 503 pigeons in 2 , 4 hour sessions in this last week on barley so he's one happy chap lol
  11. As title says really have got a litter of kits in with my gill they are just over 3 weeks I handle / check them over daily and have notice the odd flea on them nothing major yet just wandering what's out there that's good and safe enough to treat the gill and kits cheers willum.
  12. May come down if the sun holds off for a bit not been for a couple of years
  13. Hi what area of the border are you in as I'm on the borders aswell
  14. Me and a keeper friend went and had a go at the crows last night as they were hitting the barley that is starting to lay but ended up with more woodys than crows 2 and a half hours for 70 plus woodys and 4 crows ended up kneeling in the wheelands and shooting as they were fighting past great sport killed my legs feel like I've done a thousand squats lol farmer replaced the carts we shot going back out sat and Monday evening again. Ps I'm a left hooked just had a right hander cast to suit me gun is a old Lincoln 30 " 32g sipes 6. Shot and 5shot 30g rios
  15. As Above, But not from a Garden Centre....They offer you a weaker concentrate....Much more expensive too. Try and get some of the 'real' stuff from a farmer, or farm supplier...Much more potent! I have got mine from one the farms I shoot on once a year generally does it for me om in battle with ivey at the moment
  16. Round Up or glyphocate from garden centres
  17. I've got my first litter of kits at the moment that are just over 2 weeks I've been lucky I think as the mother is very friendly and I can give her a check and a scratch while in the nest I give her some chicken then handle the kits trying to get them used to my scent and picked ready for when there eyes open the gill doesn't mind me handling them either just hope this pays off when there a few weeks older
  18. I never really suffer from bites but I always carry a amonia pen / bite stick get from chemists if you get bit or stung these things work pretty well I find stings like feck once applied but the swelling isn't as bad and stops the burn/ itch within minutes.
  19. 232 bar is what mine says on the side of the rifle that's max I normally do mine to 220 just on the safe side
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