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Everything posted by willum

  1. nice 1 mate looks like fun for all was had. and they say us norfolk,urs are behind the times well it looks like it helped the rat population build up for a good few hours of sport atb mate from another behind the times ratting mad norfolk dumpling.
  2. how do mate nice pup i too have a pup of 13 weeks a pat/lakeland a norfolk terrier/pat and a jrt bitch the pup is a little shit my little jrt chest is starting to loose fur and go pinky colour you can see tiny pin marks on her chest where little 1 has got hold of her coller and shook while play fighting but you never here her yelp and she just comes back for more thinkiing its just a game. cracking looking dogs by the way
  3. how do mate nice pup i to have a pup of 13 weeks and a jrt bitch the pup is a [bANNED TEXT] lil shit my lil jrt chest is starting to loose fur and go pinky colour you can see tiny pin marks on her chest where little 1 has got hold of her coller and shook while play fighting but you never here her yelp and she just comes back for more thinkiing its just a game. cracking looking dogs
  4. i,ll second that barryvox all the way ,i use mine with the bellman collar and is a very fast accurate box if you got the extra get the barryvox cheers chaps for the lacator link as am looking for my self and didnt know where to start atb willum
  5. cheers mate for the advice already got digging equipment and have got some 1 making me nets for me already just gota sort a finder out then the fun begins keep eyes peeled as may need a bit of advice on training if you all could help out. willum
  6. yeah the more the merrier mate me and a couple of freinds who are exiting members of the fmwtc been going there a while and we were talking the other thurs night they we are going to have a meet regardless if the rep turns up or not but we are thinking of doing it once a month let us know what you think atb willum
  7. Keep looking mate, you'll find one at home soon enough. how do mate i see you are from essex but nearly suffolk how close to the border are you would love to see a propper dog at work sometime if pos? as am wanting to start my lil pat/ norfolk off and want to know the ropes like the best way to start training and that any info or tips much appreciated.atb willum nice jrt by the way have had them since i was 4 im now 29. Mate you cannot shoot them and work your terriers on them. some places i cant shoot and other places i am asked to come in and shoot them for the land owner seems m
  8. Keep looking mate, you'll find one at home soon enough. how do mate i see you are from essex but nearly suffolk how close to the border are you would love to see a propper dog at work sometime if pos? as am wanting to start my lil pat/ norfolk off and want to know the ropes like the best way to start training and that any info or tips much appreciated.atb willum nice jrt by the way have had them since i was 4 im now 29.
  9. heres a pic or 2 of some of what ive shot this year including 1 with a doc tale lol must have got a little close to the combine !! rifle tikka t3 lite stainless 22.250 remmington ballitic tip. with 2.5-10x 56 scope top pic of bob tail fox sqeaked in from nearly 150 acres of feild with wham whistle just picked a small pair of eyes out in feild in the distance a gave a go didnt think he was going to come in took about 5 mins for him to get into range about 170 yards
  10. all i got was you went out to get food for stinkers what you saying about sunday ?
  11. lil bitch mateshould go well both sire and dam proper workers got from avid country man hawks lurchers ferrets the lot so i hope she will perform like her parents
  12. pic uploaded but had to staret a new post
  13. nope its on its way wouldnt let me upload all at once bloody photoshop does my head in !!!
  14. this is molly 13 week old pat/lakeland nuttal/ wheeler lines
  15. here is a pic of my lil pack all young dogs jrt bitch 13 months norfolk/pat 13 months pat / lakeland 13 weeks
  16. nice looking dog ive got a norfolk terrier /pat he looks nearly identical to it all be it a little shorter in body length but then norfolks were said to have glen of imal terrier in them supposidly for there coat.
  17. i have hawk endurance 2.5-10x56 on my 22.250 they are a good scope for the price of them i paid 280 quid for mine and they are pretty clear my mates got sworawski scopes on his 243 and he said for what mine are they are a decent scope not to far off of his
  18. Doesn't FMTC meet out that way. thats what i though me my bro and a mate and his dad went along and the chap didnt turn up or let us know he wasnt coming when i spoke to the rep he sadi it was going to be his last year and was giving it up so maybe he has jacked it in so we said that we will meet once amonth just for a chat a pint and se how it goes from there as i know quite a few peeps that have terriers and work them only on rats mind you we have a massive rat day at the end of the shoot season with about 15 terriers a few other dogs las year off 2 peices of cover whe had over 300 rats
  19. any one interested in meeting up with like minded terrier and lurcher men over a pint in local pubs in norfolk/suffolk borders as we are thinking and looking at having 1 meet a month any one wana get in touch drop us a line via pm or eamil workingratdogs@googlemail.com cheers willum
  20. hi new to site but keen terrier man me and a couple of freinds are looking for work with terriers ' lurchers' and ferrets if any 1 can help or need help pm me. also we are thinking of holding meets at various local pubs in are area as we used to have fmwtc meet every 3 months but the rep is stepping back so we have been told and leaves us with no meets so if any 1 interested pm me many thanks willum.
  21. hi aswell think i better post here first 29 y old east anglia (norfolk) keen shooter started with air rifles at 9 moved to shotguns about 4 years ago then to firearms .22 cz varmit & tikka t3 lite 22.250. mad terreir man in the making had my first jrt when i aws 5 lost her at 21 didnt have any dogs for a few years then went mad and got a bitch jrt and pat/norfolk terrier dog at the same time now both just over a year old, mad on rats and hard as nails. and ive have just got a pat/lakeland at 13 weeks old to add to the pack. and that just about sums me up.
  22. i want to try my jack she is of the small breed very short in leg already goes to ground after them when out on walks give anything a go once.like i say new to this
  23. hi all new to site from norfolk east anglia. looking for peeps in my local area that work terriers. i own a norfolk terrier/pat that i work young lad of just over a year a lil jack russel bitch of the same age and and have just tacken stock of a pat/lakeland wheeler nuttal lines at only 13 weeks.the 2 older dogs have only been worked on rats the lil norfolk/pat is a demon when it comes to ratting hard as nails and v game he had his first rat a big doe at only 8 months chewed him a bit on kneck and face but he didnt shy away or give up since then he has just got better and better but am wantin
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