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Everything posted by willum

  1. sorry mate forgot to say nice looking dogs well built hope all goes well with them.
  2. here are mine post before but hey there you go midge. norfolk terrier/pat. tink jrt both 13 month old. and the newest member to tha pack molly pat/lakeland 13 weeks old
  3. Years ago I used to rat at a turkey farm, great sport especially the large amount of ferrel cats cheers chaps went out last night and been up there early this eve on a recky with the dogs shown a lot of interest on a certain part of land out the back of the farm had 9 last night and 5 this eve plus 2 rabbits. also found something interesting enough said will try and get some pics next time out.
  4. just thought i would post got new permission for ratting on a pig farm going to go have a looklater fingers crossed i hope.
  5. Thanks mate. Yes every day I get out of bed thankfull. Keep at it mate, someone will help you eventually. You got to understand what we love to do is a closed shop for a good reason. yeah i know mate just want some advice so i dont feck up on the first time out or feck the dog up is one of my biggest concerns so any advice via pm is a bonus.cheers atb
  6. nice 1 mate a good day was had by all by the sounds af it keep up the work and dont forget the battery's on fri atb. for the dig bet ya cant waite like a kid waiting for presents on xmas morning.
  7. You need someone with a bit of expirience to go out with and help you mate,with a bit of luck someone who lives close to you might offer to help you out, atb fela yeah i know mate there is a few peeps who use this site that are sort of in easyt anglia area which is where i am but out of 130 odd veiws you are the only one to reply looks like they dont either want to help or dont want another person working terriers around this area but cheers all the same. atb willum
  8. advice on earth work any 1 on getting started. i know i need the basics collar, spade. just the hands on stuff and how to start entering a dog.
  9. dont know what else to say but sorry to hear it mate.not nice to see it happen. my old jrt went that way so know how it feels..
  10. hi can any one help me please as am wanting to start 1 of my dogs off on going to ground and have not done it before or seen it done so any advice or guiding hand would be much appreciated many thanks .willum. im sure some of you chaps can help a newbe out.
  11. me to just need some one now when i get it to show me the ropes as have never been or done it before so i guiding hand would be much appreciated
  12. hi chaps am also new to this where can i get the bellman collar from as am wanting to start one of my dogs and am going to purchase a barryvox end of this week but i have also heard the new bellman collars are the best. any help much apreciated.cheers willum
  13. nice one mate think that keeper owes you a pint or 2
  14. good luck with the hunt and dig tomorrow mate atb willum
  15. hi any one got any land or farms that they want a hand with on ratting experienced terrier men. dogs all used to farm yard animals and well socialised with other dogs pm me if need a hand. cheers willum. ps nearly forgot am in norfolk just on the norfolk / suffolk borders.
  16. am bored dogs are pestering me every time i walk near back gate so am off ratting tonight will try and get some pics.
  17. nice pup, like THE BOTTOM photo,just a nice size to fit in your pocket...................... nice lil pup mate should be a chunkly lil thing when she gets older with norfolk in her blood line. atb with her
  18. nice 1 mate glad i wasnt you digging frozen ground.
  19. sorry about pic was done off of phone but this is my little one.
  20. tink is the little jrt , midge is 1/2 patx1/2 norfolk terrier. both excatly 13 months old gotta have 1 if your from norfolk lol, he is the scruffy looking 1. molly is the black and tan newest member to the pack a pat x lakeland 13 wks old nutal wheeler lines.
  21. lol mine has a problem with anything small and furry lil sod even our feathered freinds are not sasfe if given half the chance. everything to him is faire game!!
  22. cheers peeps just thought i would throw this one out there to see if any one has worked or or owned 1 for work thanks all the same
  23. dont be telling lie s now dev i own a few off them your just looking after them for me while i get my yorkshire terreirs working cant get work for them all possesion is 9 tenths of the law dude, and they are so good i couldnt bare to give them back EDev is clinging on to the base foundation stock of the next working terrier revival fad,all we need now is the champion who declares that they will ressurect the breed......... cum on chaps are you all tacking the piss or not dont think you have thirty of them all tried and tested
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