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Everything posted by willum

  1. nice one lads some slick moves through the bush lol
  2. i would say a fox aswell as they are well known for pulling heads of there victims ive seen this first hand
  3. the only thing i find is raw food at the moment is good for dogs no doubt bad for me as i have to watch them eat at mo as they like it so much they go after each others food once they have finished there own. and my lil jack is now sporting a lovely mark on her top lip from my norfolk/pat when she tried to steal his.but yes i agree it does make a difference.
  4. nice 1 mate cant beet a bit of ratting with the dogs keep it up atb mate.
  5. Do you have the SR6 reticule.....how do you get along with it and what range/pellet do you zero with. Think they do a slightly brighter stinger. No there not SR's, i zero at 30 yards with AA field diablo. The 70 meter beam isnt that bad but i think they do it in 120 meter beam aswell witch i am going to buy. i have bsa hornet 22 1o shot carbine walnut stock with hawke night eye 3 9x50 with tracer lamp does me ok shoot bunnys to 50 yards with acu pell/ power pell
  6. its a game gun 28inch barrel if the gun fits you then you shouldnt see any rib with it beign a game gun. sounds like the stock is too high for you. what you need to do is either get the stock altered to fit you or sell that gun and buy one that fits you from the start. have a word with ur coach if you buy a new gun and see if he will go with u and make sure that it fits you. SEAN you are right but if the gun dont fit you then it wont shoot where you are looking Thanks mate much appreciated hi mate i would also say if you are seeing that much rib then the gun is a lit
  7. lol end up pulling head off and putting thumbs through into breast cage lol but you gotta start and learn somewhere atb.
  8. no mate its pretty quick and the bird doesnt flap hardly at all as it does with the neck job as it snaps the spinal cord and paralyses it.
  9. I experimented this year and used wild cherrys instead of sloes. Bloody superb!!! Has a nice almondy taste. be carefull mate sionide has arlmond taste to it like the black thorn bush has. but if all goes well and you still about will have to give that 1 a go next year try rasberry vodka aswell good straight from freezer.
  10. pick ones that have 'give' like a ripe plum and not shrivelled ones, freeze 24 hours and tip alcohol over asap to split skins, the sugar helps it ferment and sweeten it get screwtop dark glass wine bottles or clear jars but store clear ones in dark to keep red colour of sloe gin or vodka, half fill with sloes add couple ounces of sugar top up with gin or vodka ive used both last year and they taste the same to me, shake about couple times a week for month then monthly for year when you can taste for sweetnes and add more sugar if you want, when it tastes good tip out (and spend ages prising f
  11. i hold the birds wings into its body ith both hands and push my thumbs into its back just beneath the kneck line till you feel it click this bracks the back no flapping of wings the head tilts back and the bird is dead. works for me clean bird aswell no neck pulling or wringing i find if i wring necks the heads go a bit floppy on craddles or whirly birds.
  12. a couple of mates of mine have kelpie lurchers and they are pretty smart quite a hard dog aswell good head to them and work a dream on all legal quarry the dog especially well defined but not to sure with strangers or other dogs the 2 bitches bit more slight in the body but just as keen and intelligent.
  13. no probs mate try my best i was at your stage once. chap posted about pattern plate good advice once you have drawn a cross then shot at it you sould be able to count the number of shot in each section then place a clay in each section of the target and draw around the clay but only if there is no shot holes in that part of the papper i think you should have no more than 7 whole clays in a half choke and 8 or nine in a /14 choke if you have more shot at the top of pattern plate you shooting high more shot on the bottom shooting low and the same for right and left. so fitting may be in order.an
  14. may be cos all them northeners are pissed when out with the hounds and see double ? no offence northern chaps just clutching straws.
  15. no worries i shoot clays with my old game gun 29&3/4" barrels multi choke but i use 3/4 chokes in it a gun is a gun mate just that game guns are a little bit lighter thats all sporters are heavier to take some of the re coil out. persist with it try going to your local gun shop and ask if they can just try a fitting for you may find the gun a little to long/ short in the stock or you may need a little cast on the stock.sure you will get there in time mate takes a while to adjust from game to clay but no better practice than woody's or try a little bit of skeet shooting to sharpen you up th
  16. cracking little pup good luck with it atb. should have a good noce on it for tracking and marking as i have a norfolk terrier who is no dumb coocky his prey drive is second to none and is turning out to be a great little chap.
  17. hello mate my advice for you is that you shouldnt see hardly any rib at all. and if you are stuggling on crossing birds a trick i use is to stand behind people if possable and see look down there gun when they are shooting just to get the rough idea on where they are mounting and picking the clay up before they pull the trigger. most clays that are crossing are mist from behind when you mount the gun keep it swinging while pulling the trigger you should have your gun just beneath the bottom of the clay as sporting guns shoot high and try and shoot them in mid flight as if you let them get away
  18. nice 1 lads keep up the good work and the post's its like reading a magazine daily near enough but alot more interesting look foward to the next issue lol atb.
  19. i feed my dogs on purina pro plan with a little tin meet just for taste then give them a bit of barf once a week. and the pup is on pro plan pup biscuits with a little royal canin meet. but i own terriers this gives them loads of drive and body subvstance is good on them aswell.atb mate hope you find what you are looking for.
  20. lol very funny mate well you know what you need to do is imagine you are ratting your missus then you get the best of bost worlds lol. just dont think she would like your dog in bed at the time though.
  21. well done chaps another cracking post and another good hunt all the best keep em coming and keep up the work. good luck 2mrw look foward to some more pics and a good write up.
  22. just stopped in to see an old mate and found out that he has loads of chickens turkeys and that he was cursing about the rats so i offered my services to which he replied when can you come asap i hope. no worries so i had a scout about and saw over a dozen rats running about. me thinks i am off out 2mrw night for a mooch about. pics to follow.
  23. Can't beat a quad for varried speed exercise. I'm getting fat though. thought you had a all terrain mobility scooter?
  24. my father used to mooch the feilds where we used to live as was out in the sticks and his father taught him the ways of living of the land my family has always had dogs of some sort or another so i guess its just come down the gene pool i love every thing there is about the countryside and the way of life. wouldnt swap it for the world and i am now passing my knowledge onto my brother so hope it keeps the line going.
  25. yes mate the lil norfolk /pat he works rats and stops my winged rabbits pretty fast well he not that little he ways about 14lbs or so right muscley lil lump now going to start him to ground had first enter today to earth didnt mind going in. yeah molly is very big boned and strong jaw line comes from a very good back ground seen both parents big strong dogs both worked well on all legal quarry.
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