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Everything posted by willum

  1. hte area that i live in east anglia in the autumn around the feilds and forest's all the colour in the trees cold sharp mornings mooching about with the dogs. winter up north norfolk for the wild fowl on the wash and broads marshes late evening. just returned from a long weekend in derbyshire peak district absolutley stunning from the top of mamtor in castleton. and going round ladybower resevoir's(if thats how you spell it ?) early in the morning. basically just being able to get out early in the morning what ever time of year as its all a spectical when there is no 1 around but you
  2. the only borders ive seen that look like they may have been worked a bit were a while ago at the jrt club of east anlgia there were a few lads there with borders and some smart looking jrt's. but dont see many of them or hear of them on here. well i havent anyway.atb wilum
  3. willum

    4 Days old

    nice looking pups mate and nice to see a propper welping pen clean and tidy
  4. how do mate ive looked into it a little bit as i wanted to do it but they are fully booked for now i went to the forestry comission office at brandon and thats where they do it from i think
  5. i got ardvarc eating avacado in masadonia edited for spelling masadonia prob still wrong
  6. barn door comes to mind g i jo!!!

  7. i use winchester subs dont think ya can go wrong wid them i even use winchester for my 22.250 cf awsome rounds them ones
  8. hi mate cant get on with them they dont like cycling in my cz varmint hard to shut the bolt
  9. dogs look smart uns dosent matter if you have 1 dig or a hundred digs if they are going to ground and giving it a go then why worry some are better than others so what, cant see what all the fuss is about not wanting to get peoples backs up or anything or start a slagging match either atb willum
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLp9MtmoJ_U thought you might like to see this 1
  11. willum


    try this one its the origianl
  12. for a good all out fox gun i like my 22.250 tikka t3 lite stainless and i ve got permision for muntjac on it spitting winchester silver tip 55 grain havent had a charly get up from them yet well out to 200 yrds and ive compared it to my some of my freinds guns which are 223 tikka and a sako 222 but horses for courses mate all the best keep at it. ps i also ha d a stumpy fox this season check out an old post in the shooting section of shot foxes cheers willum
  13. feck i am running out of things to swap will you take my mother inlaw and my gran for 2 of them they are better than any guard dogs
  14. the majority of rabbits on the land that i shoot and mooch have all got half and 3/4 grown babbits on them i am supposed to be feretting a farm on sun but thinks we will be giving it a miss for a few more weeks as yet
  15. bloody hell mate will swap all my 3 and throw in the mrs for that 1
  16. willum


    i know what you meen mate i also use my trusted bsa hornet best gun ive ever had awsome bit of kit loads of fun in the farm yard day and night my terriers are broke to chickens but it took me a while to brake them they are now more interested in rats than chickens i use my lamp hooked up to a 12v 7a battery in my catridge bag does the job and last for about 35 - 40 mins but a rat dead is a rat dead no matter how you kill them keep up the good work atb willum
  17. willum


    get a terrier mate and have some more fun !!!
  18. sounds good to me but better keep it on the q t as they snoop this site always up for some anti fun though
  19. cheers mate shall have a word with me mate in the gun shop
  20. hi mate i have only just started making my home loads for 22/250 and things are going ok. dicehorn is a guy to speak to has he loads for a number of calibers including 22/250. as for the gear i got all my stuff off reloading solutions. about the best prices and the ower is allways willing to help you out for the best. and not just sell you the most expenive stuff. cheers mate shall look it up atb
  21. no defo not mate far to young am using me pat x norfolk mate not that stupid and green behind the ears this is the one im using all being well as it will be his first time out so am not going to push him just let him do it for himself and seee what happens
  22. i have basc and cpsa
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