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Everything posted by willum

  1. had a little jrt called bimmbo coz she had a pink spot on her nose she was named after a black man me dad worked with that had a skin pigmentation on his nose which left it pink and his nik name was bimmbo. and a mate of mine has a lab with a different colour tip to its tail and hes called it dip stick
  2. carefull what you write d... dog you never know whos watching
  3. my mate has got 1 at about 14.5 inch a lump of a dog aswell near on 13 14 kg smooth coat. but our jack is about 10 inch and about 6-7 kg my pat laky pup is heavier than her and she is only 5 months and she stands about and 2 inch taller than her. edited for spelling sorry mods
  4. pmsl sorry should'nt laugh but funny bet she will say that to her fella when he gets a boner lol
  5. it will depend on how much you use it on and off and the power of your lamp ie what watts its putting out and how much currant its drawing ive got a strike force hooked upto a 7ah battery and they only last me about 35 40 mins maybe an hour max before it starts to go dull and i have to change it. perks of being an alarm engineer. and they way a bit to if you went for a 17ah batt would last a fair bit longer but after about 30 mins of lugging it about you would wish you had a lighter bat.
  6. Thanks for advice. When you say clear glass what do you mean? I'm not up to speed with scopes and the terminology. hawk endurance ive got a pair of 2.5-10x56 and they are 30mm tube so nice and clear and they were only 260 quid they should have been £345 had a bit of a deal with him go look at your local gun shop and have a try out in the shop before ou buy.
  7. didnt think for 1 second mate all i was concerned about was getting down and getting her out dont think i could of sat there and watched her slip under no way!
  8. went out last night lamping for rats on the pig farm started off well with me and me mates dog tacking 1 a peice. while we were scanning around with lamps in empty pig pen that had just been cleaned out looking for are next longtail freind i said to me mate wheres ya dawg he said " sitting next to me here " i replied "no she isnt mate" so we called and called my dog was running around down the end of the pen going around in circles near a man hole cover which had been left off from them cleaning the pens out so we ran over and put the lamp in and there was his dog about 12ft beneath us in a sl
  9. there was a farmer or game keeper shot a lynx in norfolk a while ago police found it in his freezer when they raided his house for some reason
  10. lol looks like a poodle looks like my norfolk terrier a bit attachment=97309:25072009016.jpg but some one has put him on a rack and stretched his legs lol
  11. yeah we hold the dogs back mate till we see 1 then let them in on them tried everything am going back 2mrw night with the lamp and dogs as there is a pad with beet on it aswell behind the embankment not guna let the longtails get the better of me plus midge was nopt happy to be going home with out a kill so he set a hiding into his sqeaky to when got home it now lays in shreds in the back garden
  12. well done chaps looks like you had more luck than me keep it up
  13. just been out for the last hour and a half on the edge of a sugar beet feild where there is a embankment with clean fresh rat runs on either side of it dogs started marking holes straight away which i thought was a good sign of things to come went along the whole bloody lot of holes i could find had the dogs digging biting the ground trying to get in to the holes with smoke coming out of them and at the end of it all we had a massive score of 0 not a thing has any body else had this problem am using an old strimmer with a peice of hydraulic hose to poke in the holes there was plenty of smoke
  14. hi am going to order my new locator and collar set this week and am wanting to know which ortovox to get d1 or d3 and what collar to order for best result as me dogs are everything to me. got a budget of about 300 350 quid. any advice much appreciated cheers willum.
  15. no its another part of this site its earth dogs and working terriers forum
  16. willum


    donny me mate is interested wanted to pop down to day to see it but im on call will you keep till next weekend ?
  17. your are not the only 1's who have seen a black cat me and my mate see one about 4 weeks ago was out lamping charly's using the squeaker one at the bottom off the feild we spotted something thought it was the farmers dog at first but it was low and sleak to big for fox to long for the lab uped the zoom on the old scopes it was about 350 yds away and not hanging about in walking along the ditch line so we started to move down the feild lights of got to where we last see it lamp on and nothing we drove all the way around the surrounding feilds and there was nothing and the scary bit was my mate
  18. pretty good this season untill thurs night when missed a sitter at about -90 yrds second 1 in 3 weeks missed so was out on the targets this afternoon checking zero must have knocked it slightly as it was about 1.1/2" out to the left dope will have to be more carefull
  19. nice 1 chaps again am all being well and get no call outs am getting my lil chap out for a few hours 2mrw gota clear some rats up first though then off out.
  20. may be you will get a few more when daylight breaks mate lol
  21. god i think i was about 4 or 5 im now nearly 30 i spent enarl all of my young life in the stick with me grandparents on the weekends when me folks went to work fri to sun night can remember walking around the feilds with me grandad and his 6 german sheperds a 410 and a caty excersising the dogs and poaching for the nights dinner (410 was a fold up) dogs bushing rabbits and putting the odd partrdige or pheasant up or going out holding the tourch in the evening knocking pheasants out of the roasting trees. not much changed apart from dogs well dead but he still has the caty and a pocket full of
  22. defo mate standing on your peg warming the hands watching the beaters starting to line out on the first drive finger on the safety gun up and waiting fior that first shout look up and watch a high flying bird curling over head.
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