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Everything posted by willum

  1. it wont make a shites worth of difference who is in or out in the next election no one ever gets to where they are with out bullshit and bare faced lies. you get the local scrooges going door to door asking can we count on your vote. bet you if you said i hear the conservatives are giving out free blow jobs compliments of playboy they would reply yes just to get your vote and the next thing you know no blow job and the shit is still hitting the fan.
  2. cheers chap oh well if your on your hols and a got ya ferrets handy swing by
  3. hi am wanting to get started in ferreting and am offering a day out for 1 person on my permision on the norfolk suffolk borders it will be in the next couple of weeks on a weekend with a morning start and afternoon finish with the posability of more work if all goes to plan.
  4. any 1 interested in ferreting on my permision norfolk suffolk borders offer open for 1 person only in the next few weeks ? will be on weekend
  5. awsome calibre in my opinion i have a tikka t3 lite stainless with t8 mod 2.5-10x 56 scopes wouldnt swap it for the world but am now thinking of 243 as an all rounder. Hi Willum, I have a Tikka 590 with 19" barrel with T8 Zeiss 3-9x50 scope, brilliant for foxes, and roe in Scotland. Cheers Bob. roe in scotland hey alright for some pitty the goverment down here dont sort this out fur us
  6. hi all totaly new to this feild sport as i have always shot and used terriers but invited 1 of my mates and his dad a couple of weeks ago to my permision for a spot of ferreting we only done a small ditch line but the farmer has kindly cleared all the ditch lines for us as he wants rid of as many rabbits as pos so he thought he would make are job a little easier. we had a good run for an afternoons work totaly got the bug really enjoyed it and am now thinking that i want to take it up can you lot give us a little bit of advice pointers where to start and whats the best time of year to get youn
  7. about £160 a 1000 not sure how much each i have just ben offered 25p a pigeon and 4quid for hares over 3 lb/kg ? and 70p lb for muntjac and i know where it is sold in my local game deelers shop and them woody's are going for 1. a bird who is getting robbed then?
  8. same here on the 4 farms i shoot on i havent seen any numbers of pigeons on any of them but drove past a old peice of land prob about 35 mtrs x 100 mtrs and it was full of the blue things prob was cant shoot them as the owner is a [bANNED TEXT] old missery guts and will not allow any 1 on his land. but a mate of mine has been feeding a stuble feild near me he shot 235 2 saturdays ago and then shot 305 on one day last week. so guess what im going to do with my last stubble feilds before they go.
  9. awsome calibre in my opinion i have a tikka t3 lite stainless with t8 mod 2.5-10x 56 scopes wouldnt swap it for the world but am now thinking of 243 as an all rounder.
  10. nice looking dog fireman unusaul colour there all the best with her mate
  11. 1 norfolk/pat 1 jrt 1 pat/lakey and 3 parrots that will take any one or anything on edited to add parrots
  12. willum

    Hunting Ban

    .and im my own master ican work my own terriers my own hounds and if i wanted to dress up like a twat and chase them on a goat i can still legally do it! for free! lol dress like a twat and chase them on a goat. sorry peeps serious topic funny reply though. edited for fat fingers on keyboard syndrome
  13. ive got some black 1s on 2 of my different permisions me and me mate have had acrack at these with the ol 22's must be the colour blending in with the night coz both of us have missed on a couple of ocasions then gone on and shot the normal colour straight afterwards that or they are bullet proof bunny's.!!!
  14. watched a few of them would be nice to see this on main stream tv or sky or replace some of that ol horsey stuff on horse and country on sky
  15. seen 1 being used not very impressed by it. dont really work that well if u have a slight breeze you have to use there own oil which isnt cheap they have a habbit of clogging up or burning out i have asked and done some re search into these and think i will stick to a good ol 2 stroke strimmer engine. but i dont think these are that great as have not had much luck with this either but when dug down to them up they pop. think i will stick to digging.if you have acess to small water bowser flood them out its the best way
  16. nice looking dog chippy got any more pics ?
  17. i work for a security company and use the same 7ah bats for my lamp yes a 17 or 20 amp battery will last longer but do you really want to lump that about you they weigh a ton try looking for the new lithium bats in 7ah last longer and weigh less go ask at your local security whole sailor try looking up enterprise security or gardiners security they will sell to the jo public hope this helps.
  18. a ling way off but am looking for some my gf works for a freight company and they are nation wide and can pick up if around the area but no worries mate cheers for the reply
  19. cheers chaps as i know you hardy terrier men dont think much of ratting but its what i and the dogs enjoy
  20. yes mate we did missed a goodun at the begining of the night mates dog marked a peice of shuttering then walked away my patx norfolk terrier went there and started head butting the shuttering bolted a fat doe but didnt see it come out the 2 little jacks gave chase but this rat had a dose of steriods i should think never seen 1 run that fast. squeezed through a gap in the barn and it was away dope!!!! out 2mrw night all being well so hopefully a few more to the list.cant beat a bit of ratting
  21. am looking for land or permision to work my terriers for rats in an around norfolk and suffolk if any 1 got any land or want a hand give a email or pm me. cheers willum
  22. went out last night with me mate and his little jrt and my 2 my litle jrt took her 3rd rat last night monster of a thing big old doe. my poor little jack steamed in and took a good hiding for being a little bit to keen rat held on and wasnt going down with out a fight once rat finaly let go she let it have it and that was the end of mrs raty put the light on the little dogs and she had been nipped 6 times around the face and neck onto the next set of pens and the 3 dogs started marking up nicely another bolt and another longtail was dispatched readily by my jack this time the bite was precise
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