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Everything posted by Colster

  1. Second hand? Same would go for any second hand centrefire, check the barrel hasn't been shot out but as a gun they're spot on. If you're looking at new, I'd save a few quid and get an A-Bolt, cheaper and better mag system.
  2. You "can" use the HMR close range and then it's surprisingly quiet, ok so not in comparison to an LR but it makes you realise what effect the moderator has and that most of the noise is the bullet. I do find though that 20yard shots can be tricky as you need to hold over by more than feels right. I never really find mine that noisy, it's a sharp crack not a deep booming bang like a centrefire or shotgun. I agree with dadioles though if I could only have one it would be the .22LR for the same reasons.
  3. I notice that they shoot them out of trees! Can't say I'd be happy shooting upwards with my .243 but then they probably have 1000's square miles of uninhabited space to hunt in... or at least I hope they do.
  4. I'm in a similar situation, I lost my air-rifle moderator slot when I put in a variation a few months back. I'm applying to get it back and in the covering letter included a request to have my FAC Air and Rimfires opened. Let's hope they look kindly on us both.
  5. I'm guessing they/you meant vermin. They might be classed as Vermin (but their status as Deer takes priority) but they are definitely not rodents. Hi Colster No, he really did mean rodent. Something to do with teeth which meant they were more like rats than deer. It just shows how misinformation gets spread around. There are reports of escaped Capybara, and that is a rodent, being seen in the wild and they are a similar size to muntjac, although a different species. I wonder how our firearms legislation would deal with shooting a capybara? (smile). Les true, there were capy
  6. I'm guessing they/you meant vermin. They might be classed as Vermin (but their status as Deer takes priority) but they are definitely not rodents.
  7. At the risk of repeating myself, if you're looking to buy new I don't think you'll beat a Browning A-Bolt for value for money.
  8. There is no legal minimum for fox but there is for deer. Some forces try and enforce a minimum for fox but how enforceable this is is uncertain as no test case has ever decided. LR and HMR will both drop a fox but don't expect them to do it at the same range that they would drop rabbits.
  9. Seems pretty pointless to me (bit like those Argentinian Dove shoots), none of them really lifted. Too tame, they just move on in front of the "beaters" rather than taking flight. Noticed even the gun dogs are overweight lol.
  10. Depends if you want to keep the liver, my dog would never forgive me if I binned that off in a hedge.
  11. So true and the minute a little bit of mist comes in, forget it. Whereas a good Halogen/Xenon bulb will hold up.
  12. Yum! I got re-visited for my variation but I was adding 3 rifles (1 of which was a .243) and conditions for Deer and Fox and the FEO had concerns about space in my cabinet (as I had a 4/5 gun cabinet and 3 guns in there already). Although he backed down and approved the variation, I did end up replacing the cabinet with an 8 gun.
  13. When I did my initial application, I went to my insurance company to get details of SP30's I'd had in the past but were not on my licence anymore. The FEO seemed surprised I'd gone to all that trouble but it's always better to be up front and declare everything.
  14. I'd look seriously at Tikka or Browning - that floor plate and detachable magazine combination is the ideal best of both worlds approach. Also if you want to save a few quid, have a look at the A-Bolt, it doesn't have the clever safety of the X-Bolt but the same detachable mag and floor plate system - so you can box load or top load. I prefer the mag system when unloading too, less chance of dropping bullets in the grass.
  15. I'm guessing you meant T-Bolt, if so I agree. A straight pull, decent trigger and very pretty. Only downside (and it's a small one), weaver instead of dovetail rail so the mounts are going to cost a bit more. I got a CZ452 when I bought my HMR and very happy with it but I wish I'd had a look at the Browning at the time. I have an A-Bolt in .243 and love it.
  16. Bear in mind, LED lights don't like red filters. My Ultrafire is good for about 200 yards but put a red filter on it and you'd be lucky to see 20. I'd stick to Halogen or Xenon, it works through mist better than LED too.
  17. Only Mute swans "belong" to the Queen. I'd heard it tastes fishy, from what the OP said about the smell of carp when he opened it up, it may be true.
  18. It flies nice and flat so distance isn't really critical. I do mine at 50 because it easy to see where you're hitting (and it's the same as my LR). I give it a fine tune at 120 when time and space allows but 40 is around primary zero so anything over that will get you where you need to be.
  19. You obviously know jack all about ballistics mate, neither factor has anything to do with accuracy. If your comparison is at 100yards then the HMR will be more consistent, at 50yards I'd bet there'd be nothing in it,
  20. Same as Bewsher, I had a slot for FAC Air and LR and thought I'd try the CB Longs in my LR and possibly never have to buy the FAC Air. They didn't group at all well even at 25-30yards, so I bought an AirArms S400 Xtra instead
  21. Bear in mind though, that zeroing at 250yards involves either really big binos, a scope with lots of mag, a lot of walking to and from the target or a brave mate with a walkie talkie. Once you've worked out your trajectory you should know your primary zero, for example I zero my HMR at 50yards (this gives me a MPBR of 30 to 140yards (based on a 1" killzone)), this way I can do most adjustments from the gun without having to walk to the target after every group. Every now and then when time and space allow I'll do a longer range test at around 120yards for a bit of fine tuning but generally
  22. The bedroom is the ideal one as long as your FEO doesn't think you won't put the guns away if you've been out shooting at night as you don't want to disturb the missus. They can often object to the loft as they think people won't bother to lock the guns away if it's too much hassle to get up there. Garage I'd avoid unless you know it doesn't get damp in there. Maybe look at a BSA gun cabinet, they are dark green in colour so they don't look like the broom cupboard on a battleship like a Brattonsound does, she might be happier with that.
  23. As said above, fit is the important thing. I had a Baikal SbS that cost me £60, nothing wrong with it, closed up tight and everything worked but it was a bit long in the LOP for me. I now have a Verney Carron O/U that fits beautifully. The nice thing with guns around the £50-£150 mark is that as long as you don't abuse them, you'll get back what you pay for them if they don't suit and you sell it on. I went through 2 or 3 guns before the Verney and never lost out (even made £50 on one of them)
  24. I've done this a couple of times with a non-FAC holder and we're both using one of my guns and when we weren't in line of sight of each other we used walkie talkies. I tend to use the walkie talkies if I'm shooting with another FAC holder anyway, if we're not going to be together all the time so we know where the other is at all times.
  25. Done it a couple of times with the LR on kits but my favourite one was with my AirArms S400 Xtra. I was lining up on a bunny about 40yards away when another rabbit came alongside the first one so he got it instead, the other rabbit ran about 8 feet then keeled over stone dead.
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