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About declan1

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. like i said the pics are i just thought becouse his other stuff he has done has bean very good i was really looking forward to reading a hare cousing book becouse there is not a lot to read on it about
  2. i have purchased the hare and the swifed hound and i have to say the pics in the book are spot on i.but think for 35 pound and 5 pound p/p the lack of reading was a very big let down read the book in 20 minits . is it me or does any one think the same
  3. declan1


    hi, can you please recommend the best insurance for our two dogs - we have had a quick look around but they all seem more or less the same. we need to know which is good value and actually pays out when needed! thanks!
  4. sudocrem pal works wonders
  5. dose any know what mite help my dog it has a lot of littel spots under her bely i think from stinging nettels
  6. oh no, so very sorry to hear, we can relate to you, lost our 19 month old in October and are still gutted. My thoughts are with you
  7. getting a pup in 2 weeks its a beddy/gray saluki/gray x wippet grayhound has any one got this tipe and how are thay
  8. smooth and a very good bitch i have spoke to dave and he is thinking of breeding so its just a waiting game witch is hard with no dog but good things come to those whe waite
  9. dose your dad have dogs from dave who lives in rotherham
  10. Hi, Our dog Casey recently died, we got her from Dave (can't remember his surname)As we were really happy with Casey, we have asked Dave to breed another pup for us. Just out of curiosity, does anyone have any pics of pups/dogs that have come from the other litters. Many Thanks Geraldine & Billy
  11. Hi, I'm really sorry if I havent posted in the right place. We are thinking of getting a new puppy after we lost our lurcher Casey, obviously it's a big decision, is there any breeder recommended? Our original breeder might breed again so we'd be happy with that, just looking at other options just in case he doesn't breed this time, thanks!!
  12. i wouldent run a car on empty mate so i would not run a dog empty
  13. We didn't ask the vet whether it is hereditary. They can't be sure what was wrong with her, they seem to think that there was a brain problem, perhaps developmental, or an underlying brain problem that has been triggered by something, even a tumor. I think that this was just really bad luck. I will phone the vet for you tomorrow though. Going back to the low glucose thing - there was a long time 40 mins at least between her having the fit and getting into the vet, if my husband had known he could have given her something sugary (honey or fruit juice) we just dont know whether that would ha
  14. My old lurcher had the same problem and its not a pleasant experiance for owner or dog, With hindsight i should have had him p,t,s far sooner than i did. This has brought back some fond and sad memories........ R.I.P old lad. Sorry to hear this, it really is awful. We kept Casey going for longer than we should, but we were hoping for a miracle.
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