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Everything posted by riggers

  1. hi all i have a springer pup called same and he is completely syco now i have trained labs but never a springer now he will sit sometimes but pulls likle hell on the lead any help please i want to train him to flush retreve he is 5 moths old
  2. carra fit liky min i will be on the morns night at about six if your gonna be on ill be on en min
  3. lol so why carra min as i said i called my dog at im in the chat room if you wanna chat
  4. hi all well i finnaly decided to go for my shotgun cert and applied three weeks ago two weeks ago i had my home visit now i am no angel i have traffic offences ie 1 speeding ticket and a couple lighting regs and two assaults 1 in 1996 and 1 in 2001 now i declared all of these in the application i have just no long left the army where i spent 12 years i have not been in any kind of trouble with the police since 2001 so the police women says it might hinder my application ie i might be refused now i live in newmains so i come under strathclyde police area and they are ment to be ruthless whats y
  5. riggers


    :welcomeani: and fit liky fae the doric spekers :11:
  6. give her some milk and egg this will flush her out then feed her some chicken soup this is full of all things good keep her warm and give her plenty of fresh water hope she is ok mate
  7. hey min at soonds like my sister ya pumped did she stink o pish ana :11:
  8. here is a pic of my two labs karra and ben
  9. ah sjite telking the art of talking about something that you have no idea what your on about what are we on about oh aye doric lol great site boys keep up the fantastic work :11:
  10. lol very well old chap how is this what what what
  11. nope na me wee furry beets min so why carra my dogs called carra ers an affa rubbits ner yon duffton sunny macduff eh i hae some pals ower at why used to be in the army we ma might ken um daz smith kev begrie ring ony bells so you will drink in the seafield on a week end then eh there no much rubbits near you though en
  12. sorry for all those who are wandering what we are on about we are talking doric the old language from the north east of scotland and a dying language at that so sorry if you dont understand it but i live near glasgow now and its nice to speak the old tougne
  13. hi guys newmains is near motherwell or wishaw if ythats any better i am originally from huntly gordon country so aye aye fit liky and foe ye a deeing or hello how are you all for all the non jockaness talking members lol
  14. hi all just joined and i must say cracking site loads of info and loads of nice people cant wait to have a read of all things heer
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