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Everything posted by Tiddler66

  1. Sounds like English Woodcock are more sociable, noisier and less discrete than Welsh one s!
  2. Shame I live in the country....
  3. Would it be possible to pop it on the flight from Valley to Cardiff.......oooooops.....on second thoughts....ATB
  4. I saw it last night.........what a fab film.....wanted to go to bed, but couldn't go untill I had seen the end.....thanks lads..
  5. If you can locate a flight line, then you can have a shot at them.... they seem to stick to the same path at the same time each night....but it is at the dark end of dusk....usually far too quick for me
  6. I don't know if its any use to you, but you will find links to parts diagrams here. http://www.gunspares.co.uk/shopdisplaycategories.asp?id=24054&cat=Relum
  7. Welcome to hunting life, I haven't been a member long myself, but I have really enjoyed my time so far and I am sure you will enjoy your membership....
  8. I wish you lads all the best....please let us know how you get on.
  9. you might have a Relum....think they were made in Hungary.....
  10. I think its horses for courses.....but IMO most driven shooters use a cartridge bag as belt would not carry enough ammo.....a standard 200 bird driven phesant shoot with 8 guns and the standard 3:1 hit ratio is 75 shots per gun.....or some may shoot 50 whilst others would shoot 100....which ever way you look at it a belt would be no use.....but out rough shooting....a different matter.....IMO
  11. Eugenics was used in Sweden from the 40's up to the early 's......if a girl got pregnant out of wedlock....or the priest thought a girl was too flirty or wearing too much make up, they could be sterelized.......and whilst I agree with the theory of eugenics all the way untill its used against my family or friend....so IMO....it has to be a big NO But is it moral to allow people who the authorities know will fail to be able to raise a kid have children.......it happens every day and the kids often get abused and then grow up to abuse others......tough call..........but overall I think wear
  12. At the end of the day, most of us shoot on other peoples land ........... and regardless of whether we pay for that priverlidge or not, we are guests and should act accordingly........the thing that bugs me is the fact that many people still use plastic wads, rather than fibre.....
  13. Never out shooting as much as me or the dog would like to be! despite what the wife says...

  14. Colour makes no real difference......but there are many labs from show stock out there...avoid them. Avoid dogs with huge nubers of field trial champions in the pedigree, as you might end up with a hair trigger dog......great in the hands of a skilled trainer, but not good to learn with.......if the parents are worked, you probably won't go far wrong......a bigger issue is whether to have a dog or a bitch.....both have plus ponts and minus points....As for living inside or out....that depends on what suits you....mine is a family pet as well as a gun dog....after all I went shooting 20 times
  15. Hi all, can anyone help? I have just bought a second hand CZ BRNO Mod 2 ES. Does anyone on here know how similar this rifle isto the current CZ 452. The reason for asking is I want to buy a 10 round magazine for it, and want to know if the 452 magazine will fit.
  16. If some one knows where to find this guy but feels they can't be seen to be a grass, why not PM a moderator and they could post up the details?
  17. That guy I think is the same guy that runs / used to run Safaris in Scotland ........ and there seems to be always be a bad smell around him.......there was lots of stuff last year about him......how he was trying to damage other peoples business ............ But putting anything onto DVD that gives antis ammo aganst us is crazy.....and charging £74 for 3 DVDs is just plain greedy ...... I don't know the guy and have never met him, but it seeems to me that the guy is out for him self and to hell with the consequences, for the sport, for the ecology, for the ethics, etc etc just out for himsel
  18. Received today, Cartridge belt. Many many thanks indeed....
  19. I am sure some people will have something to say about this, but I like the Field, because of the wide variety of different articles, although its true to say that I have not seen any articles on terriers or lurchers lately....and its not weekly......but in time I am sure you will articles about those dogs, especially if the ban ever gets lifted.
  20. Growing your own stuff is brilliant and for me growing stuff is the same deal as fishing and shooting.........it links us a little bit to the past.....a little bit hunter....a little bit gatherer......a little bit farmer / gardener....and a little bit brewer.......to compensate for being a lot of ....... Tesco Shopper....
  21. "The Hill" is a cracker if you like war films...with Sean Connery.....but quite unknown.....
  22. Watch "Eastern promise" .....a russian gangster film set in London....best film I've ever seen in the Cinema
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