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Everything posted by Stewy

  1. Thanks for your opinion, but i love dogs and i like investing in dogs whether good or bad, i was only stating that any time i have bought a dog that the previous owner took the collar off, or never brought one. I suppose there's always one (banned text) that takes you up the wrong way. Was just trying to discuss the subject thats all.
  2. "Always"? How many times do you buy a dog? hI mate last time i paid for a lurcher was 92.atb. Catcher 1 I've bought five dogs and have kept 3 out of the five. When you start off you don't know anybody you dont get looked after. So after making a few mistakes you eventually get it right.
  3. i live in Oklahoma, just south of heaven. The top of the hill i own is sandwiched between 32,000 acres of government free hunting land, a 20 mile long lake, and a 2400 acre cattle ranch i have sole permission on. i own a few dogs i like and have a young woman that loves fast tough dogs. Damn, life is good. You could open up a Hunting Ranch for all of us.
  4. I hope they dont bring that law in cause we have 8
  5. Got a smack of a double decker Bus and broke my two legs(They say my mother pushed me). Broke me collar bone(worse bone to break) Got beat up with a crutch and broke my nose, my jaw and my cheek bone, The day out of hospital they put a mask on my face and i was in a car crash that night lost a lot of blood. In a sepaerate beating i got a bang of a garden stake in the back of my head opened me like a tin of beans.Left a nice scar. I overdosed(young and stupid).
  6. I have bought a few dogs since I started hunting. Even just today got another new Dog.(I'll be sleeping with them soon if i keep it up). But every dog i have bought they always took the collar back. Are collars that valuable to people???
  7. If ye need a bit of help covering them acres give us a shout, Enjoy!!
  8. So did some people i use to know
  9. I'l try get some pictures of the whole family and put them on.
  10. How bout Sunday Night just clear it with the red fella
  11. Was out the other day and taught i had everything covered and i look about 30ft down the ditch there's a bolter and the ferret just after it. How long can they go???
  12. The search has ended we picked up a cracking first cross bull/hound and tried her on the way home she nailed her first target :D
  13. Anyone know the best way to bring them back to Ireland
  14. Its more refreshing to see the labour bring fruit.
  15. I'd like a pup from them they are two great looking dogs.
  16. Not a bother, i just started hunting about a year and a half ago, from dublin.
  17. Last week we bought a Full Coursing Greyhound only off the farm, she was nervous and would hardly even walk beside you. One week on and two walks a day she is like a completely different dog. We've been walking her with a little bushing terrier and he flushed one or two bunnies out and she ran straight after them. She's showing great potential. Next week we'll bring her out with the boys(Bull/Hound and Deer/Bull/Hound). She met them the night we picked her up. I think its great taking on dogs like this when you have the Patience they help you a lot and make you greatful for good working
  18. How's it going?? I'm only new to the forums. We're looking for a nice working bitch for the collection.
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