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Everything posted by Stewy

  1. Doing what he was born to do
  2. That sure looks more heavy duty than the normal wire I'll try it.
  3. We have a few light force lamps and all of them have gone lampy, if its not the bulb its the trigger, if its not the trigger its the connector to the battery.
  4. If my bull cross brought one back alive i don't think I'd be too impressed. Its just what they like to do, but as bird says just teach them they will learn and drop. your lurcher is suppose to retrieve the rabbit back alive and in tack Your 100%, but i don't like the fact of a bull cross been so gentle as to bring a rabbit back alive. I'm sure people probably have a difference of opinion.
  5. If my bull cross brought one back alive i don't think I'd be too impressed. Its just what they like to do, but as bird says just teach them they will learn and drop.
  6. I think a lot of people take there dogs out together, sometimes to keep a bit of competition and to slag that their dog is better, but when it comes to slipping it has to be one dog at a time, and if the slipped dog don't do the business, you get weeks of banter out of it. Turns like a bus etc....etc... I think its great two or three men with there dogs but definitely one slip at a time.
  7. Change the name of this Post to Cornation street or maybe Emmerdale.
  8. Thanks mate. I just pupped my bitch to a friend of mines big bull hound he wanted to keep his blood and i wanted to keep mine. But i had debated on putting a collie cross in to the mix. Maybe next year if i decide to pup her again i might put some collie across her
  9. That's a really healthy looking lurcher. How would you rate the breed, would it be a good all rounder??
  10. just make sure ye give me a cut if ye go big.
  11. They don't even email you why they take it off.
  12. Mods what did yiz do with me post????
  13. You will get a lot of advice on here mate with different opinions. I started with a Saluki X Hound she was like a puppy around people and when she went onto the field she done her job well. Great for day time work.
  14. Bull cross and collie cross seem to be the best so you wouldnt go wrong with a Bull/Hound X Collie/Hound
  15. This thread is a load of BULL!!
  16. Whats the whole purpose of the web site then to keep all your knowledge to yourself. I have received some good advice from this site and i think it should be kept like that.
  17. Sure you could, bull and hound wouldn't have the same pace as a whippet and a whippet wouldn't be as tuff as a bull hound so on and so on.
  18. Just like myself when i first registered on hunting life i had questions about breeds of lurchers. Somebody Should do up a page with a list of the different types of lurcher breeds and their strengths and their weaknesses. It would have to be done by someone neutral who wasn't one track minded towards a certain breed. That way when newbies log on they can go direct to the page and find out everything about the breeds.
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