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Everything posted by ledgard01

  1. Pics on my phone dunno how to upload them dnt think i can using the iphone not happy but keep tryin
  2. Yes things are back on the up for me 2 years agoi had a problem and a big fall owt with my landlord and had to get rid of my collie x it killed me so took some time owt didnt go owt much with lads every now and again cos i used to just get jelous tht cnt be ther workin the dogs but got a morgage now and just took on soon as i could a pup shes a little beauty 14 weeks old grey x whippet soo not wishin her to grow up quick steady away she goes owt with the little walks with my son introduced her to my friends dogs had a little play bring on the seasons with her just tryin to get pic up too see
  3. Well said big dog best tip goin for any hunter
  4. Hope the pups bang on for him next time round mate
  5. Thats shite is that mate mi old man has always brought me up with dogs n kept all his lines with his mates n stuff n always told me its not about muney and about selling dogs to make muney its a shame wat ppl do now
  6. Thers nothing wrong with lookin at dogs ill look all day long me just shite how every 1 is avin ago at each other were all innit for the game so dont see the problems all the time i like to come on n get advice from other ppl n pik up thngs all gud n bad but really every 1 should be helpin each other owt if u ask me so knw 1 gets let down from buyin a dog to sellin a dog
  7. how much would u want for the all above dvds ? pm me
  8. hello all just a question iv askd this befor im wantin to know wats the best lamp for money at the moment as the season is just over the hill and its guna be the 1st for the dog iv brought on and wanting it to be a good 1 too so just wantn a few recomendations on wat to go for cos theres a few lamps out there now thats all and dont wanna be buyin 1st a see. cheers ppl
  9. It's to run mi dog on mate lookin for a good lamp just wunderin wats the best at moment for it's money
  10. Lookin for a good lamp for the new season plz any ideas on what to go for cheers
  11. Well said pal if u can back it say it but ya do get the people on here sellin dodgy thngs
  12. Wats price of pupps mate look well ? N breed of thm
  13. Pm all details n price n tht pal really interestd thnx
  14. sound pal how much the pups goin for wat ya rekon they will stand at ?
  15. a mean n were u cumin from pal ha
  16. how much they goin for ? n the price pal ?
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