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Everything posted by ledgard01

  1. Agree too lads hope the kid turns out sonetime soon with a decent dog
  2. Tut shame chin up mate just shit out of luck tht u came across a c**t that would do summat like that
  3. I hope everythng turns out gud n hows the dog??
  4. Good thing to have tho if ya cnt get the dogs owt like u want them to it keeps them tickin along with ther fitness
  5. How much do they roughly cost if u dnt mind me askin??
  6. . This is blue had to have him put down 2 years ago poor lad was just comin into his game pickin rabbits n hare on the lamp unfortunatly he went blind at 12 month old was greyhound x whippet collie
  7. If you are a you lad im sure thers some decent lads that can help like dimmock20 says looks like some c***t has tried taking the piss. hope u get it sorted and whats best for the dog too
  8. I dnt see why people are botherd about the rain and gettin wet thats part of it my grandad n dad used to drag me out as a boy with dogs i was just askin why people moan about it
  9. Yorkshires bouncin with rain tnight :)
  10. Take rough with smooth be [BANNED TEXT] aslong as dogs get to stretch there legs
  11. Many of many skills haha im out with my pals and dogs sod it
  12. Haha thats terrible driving while txting not good!! Should i say wat do you lot think of lampin in heavy rain cos everyone says this that and every other story
  13. Tnyt the rain is heavy up yorkshire but i always get its either too much heavy rain nothng will be owt or i get come on be a [BANNED TEXT] nyt lets get owt with dogs or im not gettin piss wet through thout if id ask wat u thnk of the heavy rain on a nyts lampin???
  14. Noo good [BANNED TEXT] thers no luck around chid21 but swings in rounderbouts so im sure ull come good with dogs hopefully soon and cheers dave mate
  15. Iv never workd a greyxwhippet so lookin forwad to see wat she brings to the table, and the other way why wats happenin mate?
  16. Goood stuff atb with the pub for too aswell mate
  17. Cheers just lookin forwad to gettin to work with her maybe not ready for the new season but one after im sure she mite be finding her feet by then cheers millet
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