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Everything posted by ledgard01

  1. Been owt with the pup shes as daft as a brush steady away tryin to get her to play with the ball bottles anythng but away we go shes lookin well
  2. Tht looks a belter that lurcher. Man
  3. Noo you know wat i mean thoo give the guy some slack
  4. Dunno why people are on here to give each other shit were all in the same game its about helpin each other owt oter than biting someones feckin head off atb with the dog mate i say : judd
  5. Jesus im sat here scratchin my head sounds too gud to be true but iv just took on a pup shes only 4 month
  6. Crakin photos of the dogs wouldnt mind gettin paid to do it day in day out myself
  7. Iv said this few times now i think tht dogs an absoloute belter crakin photos atb judd
  8. Cant be bad ill have a look around then cheers mate
  9. Cheers mate loads people say ther up ther with the best just goin to buy a lithium battry just dunno wich one is the best to get the most hours
  10. Right im thinking of buyin a striker 170 load folk said ther the best for the money but im guna buy a lithium battry just wonderin wich one wich would be the best won to buy cheers judd
  11. My son hes only 3 now loves to come for walks with the new pup hopefully in time hell be out workin one of her offspring
  12. Out for a little walk with the pup nothing too heavy trying to keep her nice n chuky n fat ha lookin forwad to the some point of next season this is Robbin 15 weeks tday .
  13. Oki doki look thers no sweat of my sack i was just showin how the youngen went on for wat its worth i shouldnt of done cos theres too many idiots on here that have to preach or try be profesional a dnt see why id lie but nevermind eh srry to the people who fancy been smart but thnx to people who said well much apreciated
  14. Well for one me and my pal was ment to be workin saturday mornin but the job was put on hold so we took a drive to my friends farm to pick a dog run up we gets ther talkin to the farmer general chit chat till he got on to the problem hes avin his hen phesant goin walk about n hes noticed the foxes hangin around on a mornin and as it happend my mate had is terrier in the van cos he was avin a row with the other dog so we took a wonder down the back of the field in and out is the young dog with 10 mins in boom big vixen bolts my mate was praisin his dog on his 1st proper owtin wich was not arra
  15. Well as it is one of terriers went to ground he needed a number 2 so i was goin for shovels only thng in van was countrymans weekly haha so he had to make doo with that
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