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Everything posted by max_wood

  1. I dont shoot them but i find them annoying when im trying to shoot pigeons with the air gun the doves spot you first and warn the pigeons
  2. Ok will try take one.but only got a crappy camera phone so dont get your hopes up
  3. It's unbelievable really.its like the hitchcock film. Don't mind a few floating about but not this many.hopefully they're not staying
  4. We normally have a population of about 10 on our farm yard.over the last week or so there must be 3-400 appeared out of no where.do they migrate? We are very close to city centre and have had a feral pigeon problem for years. Over the last year i have trapped about 600 pigeons and havent seen any more so do you think now the pigeons are gone the doves have moved in? Thanks
  5. max_wood

    Stud Dog

    Friend of mine brought one rare coloured.paid 5 grand for him. The sire to him was imported from America, the guy paid 30 grand for it! 5 grand a stud fee!!
  6. I've cracked them but they are soft / wet inside just wondered if i take a load indoors are they gonna dry out or rot in the shells ?
  7. Sorry that looks disgusting.and they are not in the green bits anymore
  8. Hi I've found a massive walnut tree with hundreds of nuts. My question is what are you supposed to do with the nuts.do they need drying out or storing in a jar or will they go mouldy ?thankyou
  9. Our farms got a field that a load of smack rats camp/squat in. I see one dead on the road.they skinned it and ate it!!
  10. Tempting..but I've got a collie greyhound that will prob outlive the cattle dog so dont really need another lurcher.i think we will use a collie and get some handy farm dogs then id be more tempted to use a greyhound over one of them
  11. Mines got a high prey drive and will attempt to catch just about anything. They need an outlet to let of steam.if mine doesn't work cattle say on a Sunday and only gets a run she's super wound up to get at them Monday morning and is twice as aggressive to them as she normally is. So just a walk round the block or park for them as a pet must be absolute mental torture for them and I've seen one that found his own job in life which was attacking car wheels
  12. They are hard to keep the weight off unless you run them ALOT true.problem was she was so fat she couldn't run far so its taken ages to slim her down and build her fitness up. Getting betterevery day
  13. I've only had mine a few months.few of you may remember i was saying how overweight she was. this is when i got her
  14. I've got a pure working acd bitch.very dominant with other bitches but fine with dogs and great with people.her father on the other hand is a nut job.only one man that can touch him.great for working cattle too rowdy for sheep work. They would make a terrible pet.if she dont get any cattle work for a day or so she goes bat shit crazy. Think i would cross her with the sheep dog to get some Pups hopefully with her guts but toned down a bit for sheep ect
  15. max_wood


    We used to have them in our garden in my parents house.we used to flick tiny stones up in the air,they come really close because they quickly check what it is in there radar.
  16. I had one really terrible with it.i found once she had been in the car with other dogs ferrets ect she was keener to get back in and get going next time.ginger didn't work for me.just had ginger puke to clean up.
  17. We calve 500 beef cows every year.anyone that is overly aggressive when they have a calf is culled.no second chances no exceptions.the bosses say they no cow is worth someones kids growing up without a dad.even still its a very dangerous place to be and if you get in a situation and have a stick,a hard crack on the very top of the head (where the horns would grow from) might just give you a few seconds.its sensitive for them and it can make them back up briefly. Im not advising animal cruelty just in an emergency
  18. http://www.preloved.co.uk/adverts/show/115405015/fox-warren-jack-russel-terriers.html?link=%2Fsearch%3Fkeyword%3Dfox%2Bterrier%2B
  19. Some of the nature documentaries Steven fry did where quite good i thought.
  20. Bear grylls. He can teach us about an animal then show us how to eat it..
  21. Yes and that's fine but would u agree not all but most dogs brought for trialing that aren't quite good enough for what ever reason are sold as fully trained dogs so your more likely to get your money back than someone like me that keeps a dog its whole life no matter how good it is?
  22. When I enquired about a cocker a few years back they were no dearer that other dogs out of similar breeding (which compared to how the terrier lads operate is still toooooooo dear) & I say that as someone who buys / sells at that same price. Know what you mean mate.it's not really at a working mans price is it. Spending 2-3 weeks wages on a pup ain't practical.stuffed if id spend it on a car!!
  23. I think what the original question was how much is a beccleugh springer meaning a springer from the place.like saying I've got a drakeshead Labrador or a deepfleet cocker. Hes not trying to say its any thing different.
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