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About max_wood

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 14/09/1989

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  • Interests
    Terriers lurchers, ferrets

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  1. Theres hundreds of them in kent.our house is by the river and they are pain in the arse.they escaped and to start with any damage they caused the nature place would come and clear up.now they are breeding like mad.they have chewed all the willow trees on our land, dig holes in the bank which I have lost lambs in and neighbors have had cows legs broken in them. They have just been made a protected species. Had about 6 roadkill on our road in the past year.
  2. I got her second hand and she was literally obese when I got her.she had been shut away because she would fight with the guys sheepdog bitches, who she would of killed if allowed.she didnt fight with mine but you had to watch her constantly and always have it in the back of your mind.But they are heavy built and get fat just looking at grub but the proper working ones are a bit dumpy. They are a pushing dog, instinct to drive animals not round them up and bring them too you like a collie. So the job is to be full on, not calm and quiet. If she didnt get that "aggression " for want o
  3. I had a pure one for sheep and cattle work.without doubt the best and most loyal dog I've ever had. Beyond tough , absolutely fearless and would have died for me in a heartbeat. She would guard the vehicle if I wasnt there but fine with anyone if I was there, adored the kids. Her father on the other hand was an absolute man stopper. If they can chase and bite and bark at things every day and get it out their system they are a joy to have but just as a pet or to lay around a yard as a guard dog I wouldnt recommend one personally.
  4. Theres an old lady not far from me breeds them, gave me a long speech about how they are all working dogs and how they need more people to work them to keep the breed going, then she told me the price of them. When I told her I could buy 3 patterdales or Russell's for that money she just couldn't get her head round it. I said they should be giving the puppies away to younger people who are willing to give them a go and work them. They are priced out of the market for people to take a punt on in my opinion, or at least these ones are
  5. Hi has anyone got any canaries for sale in kent. Am in canterbury/dover area.willing to travel a little way. Don't need anything to fancy or expensive just something me and my little lad can mess about with and try to breed. Anything considered as i am struggling to find anything.many thanks
  6. I read he title of this to fast.I thought it said fox s.hit hard? I thought someone had been going out monitoring the consistency of fox poo
  7. I'e got one and I've found it to make a big difference to be honest.it definitely makes you more aware of what you're using. If it' normally in the green and you see it in yellow you might have left the light on on the stairs etc.and you set your monthly direct debit to what you use not estimated bills.
  8. What about doing them in bundles of 10 or 20 of each subject on ebay?that way you have a lot less postage hassle ??
  9. Would it not be easier to have automatic doors if that' all they do
  10. Worked with dairy goats for a while and the best thing to get Billy goats smell off is orange juice for some reason.might be worth a try
  11. It's like that because it looses weight when it dries out.same as pepperami theyre 110%meat ?
  12. Hi does anybody keep indian/cornish game I'm after a few eggs to try and hatch? Thank you
  13. Millionaire you say?? Better get looking for one of them hats then..
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