Are you not registered with a vet?? You use your own vet, obviously except in the case of being too far away, ie if you were on holiday at the other end of the country then you would get emergency help from a local vet and go home to your own for treatment.
no as i dont own any dog at the moment , last lurcher i took to a vet was 12 yrs ago
id like some info too ,hope you donkthink im hijacking thread sam ,do these insurance policy,s work on the idea you take the dog to nearst vet or do you reg at pertical vets etc and witch company is the one to trust cheers will
theheron pics are gen they where taken in holland last year,there are a set of a pelican scoffing down a large feral pigion doing the rounds the same time
my kids perf the 360 mostly because its got firmwear for back up games (copys) so the big un down loads n burns new games new games all the time but saying that the wii is firm wear done too and that thing hasnt been on for months
im looking in to buying a terrier after christmas,been over ten years since iv worked dogs. a lot as changed in the world since then vet wise, as in prices and political correctness
so wondering if any members have claimed on pet insurance with problems working dog wise
also does dog have to be reg,d with a certain vet 1st any advise 1 st hand please cheers will
its thef there where 8 horses taken from well run horse feilds near me a few years back same story no warning or contact from police rspca or local concil
a fuss was kicked up (travlers where blamed etc 1st) a local saw it where rspca but they still did not play ball for a month or so but in the end stock where brought back but no charges (legal wise) and no apollagey
the reson given they where on conile land but local conicle would rather see it grazed and kept free from burnt out cars etc