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Everything posted by pestcontrol121

  1. Had one when they 1st came out and cost was around £50, ok for the money but suffered bad white out if your head wasn't in the right position, had it on an air rifle but heard they didn't hold zero very well so sold it on ebay
  2. A bit more here http://raptorpersecutionscotland.wordpress.com/2011/06/05/sleeping-gamekeeper-fined-over-guns-on-table/ It says quote" Depute Fiscal Karen Smith said police had to attend the house at Mains of Aberarder unquote" so quite obvious they were called out but it doesn't say why, i bet he went into one with the police and they threw the book at him, suspended from his job a £160 fine also might have his certificate revoked.
  3. To get an idea on new prices have a look here http://www.guntrader.co.uk/
  4. For accuracy go for a bolt action rifle, if your land has road / building near bye and using a .22LR watch out for Ricochet as this can cause problems. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ricochet I have both .22LR & .17Hmr both have a place on my shoot but the Hmr get the most use when rabbit shooting. The .22 is silent but when it hits it does make a louder thud which can makes the other rabbits run. The Hmr has a good crack when fired but with the distance of 100yards or more the rabbits don't seem to know much about it. Price of ammo .22 @ £5 to £6 per 100 .17 Hmr @ £8.50 to £18.50 per
  5. You are trying to do what the longbow nv does
  6. As for setting out your decoys here is a good basic link http://homepage.eircom.net/~jamesanthonyryan/Decoy%20Patterns.htm an important thing to do is find the flight line and use a bit of field craft, dont be in a hurry to set up and shoot have a good look before setting up, i put the pigeon up a few times to see if they are dedicated to the field before setting up. At the end of the day put the effort in and it will pay off, pigeon shooting is the best shooting experiences to have and can be very addictive
  7. If you get a scope with a long eye relief this helps and you can get good butt extentions which help, this does not bother me as all my shooting is off a bipod but i know what you mean if shooting off the shoulder
  8. You may well struggle at that price as a gen 1 unit and ir laser which you will need is going to cost you more than your budget and a max shooting distance which will be under 100yards , now is the time to buy as once October is here you can add £50 to £100 on a unit thats £400
  9. Welcome to the forum tenbob, i will try and give you a quick run down on NV and you need to give me some more info. (1) what is your budget ? (2) what range are you hoping to shoot ? (3) do you want an add-on or dedicated ? Right thats the three questions i need to know and here is some info for you to read. Add-on night vision Monocular Generation one from about £200 to £600 should see a rabbit at 20 to 100yards max shot around 80yards. Generation 2 from about £700 to £1500 should see a rabbit at 20 to 250 yards max shot around 210yards Generation 3 from about £1800 to £4000,should se
  10. With a budget of £250 i would go for this http://www.guntrader.co.uk/GunsForSale/110114102942001
  11. Have a look here even if its to get an idea on prices http://www.guntrader.co.uk/GunsForSale
  12. Someone must have reported this to the police as i can't see them walking pass and saying look a bloke asleep with a gun lets walk in and nick him. More to this than meets the eye i think at the end of the day he is still wrong and was breaking the firearms law.
  13. If your not going to buy a harris bipod try this one on ebay item number 280690565898 or search his other ones, its the next best thing (but i do prefer my harris)
  14. Been using 28g 7.5 kents for two years now and find them great @ £140 1000
  15. The big question is whats your budget ?
  16. As said Eley first are good but try and get a few different makes of 28 gram fibre Cartridge and pattern them 1st, you don't want to be buying X amount and finding out they're no good for your 12g
  17. I have done this as well to find out the date of manufacture, the lad told me the rifle was 2 years old and found out it was 7 years old by the serial number
  18. With a bi-pod you can place your shot much better, i use them on all my rifles so my advice would be to get one
  19. Jeffrey, do not listen to these clowns on here, do you know the exact model number? Where are you based, I am keen to meet and see the unit, depending on what comes with the scope I am very interested in buying. All the best, Ben Hi DrKing1984(Ben),welcome to the forum, i take it its your 1st time on a forum like this as on your 1st post you are calling members clowns on a post thats 5 months old as it was started in January
  20. I have a gen2+ dedicated 6x scope for sale, some call it a night vixen i thought it was an early 731, here is a link to one which isn't my one but the same model http://www.guntrader.co.uk/EquipmentForSale/detail.php?EquipmentID=110604202901533 As you can see he is asking £2000 i am asking £1200 this has a new dep tube which was fitted by me and has done around 10 minutes work, I really would prefer face to face so you can see it and try it before parting with your cash , Here are some photos
  21. Sent you a PM with a contact for a gen 2 in your price range
  22. Most people want decent NV but i'm afraid you need a budget of around £1500 to £3000
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