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Everything posted by pestcontrol121

  1. Here you go http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170607389877#vi-desc
  2. I use 40.5 varmit 75g vmax with my .243 and its spot on
  3. I do alot of long range targets / steel plates out to 1000 Meters; I know if it'll do that it'll be OK for my Highland red deer stalking. Many pro shooters can't look past the shooting platform I'm looking to hear from normal shooters before I spend upwards of £5000-00 on a total platform. For that sort of price of £5,000 i would have one built Dave, i would be contacting Lee at http://www.border-barrels.com/varmint_rifles.htm I have a Accuracy International stock on my custom built .243 which i shoot off the roof of my disco and have shot from the shoulder which is OK but a bit to
  4. Dave whats it going to be used for mainly ? (someone is bound to say shooting lol)
  5. I use Winchester too but each rifle can be different , i found most CZ's shoot Winchester well and don't like cci,if you can get to a shooting range and ask to try some different ammo that might help.
  6. Chimp just looked through your posts and yes 3000+ is a lot lol and see you have not bought much on here but looks like you buy/sell on that auction site ebay who have all your details and as a buyer i can request them without your say so thats providing you have given the correct information. As for meeting someone you don't know and have no idea where they live and no contacted details can seems a bit stupid to, let just say i am going to buy a daystate airwolf with all the kit scope/bipod/pump at £1000 i get to this meeting point and three lads take my money and credit cards also give m
  7. If you are going to shoot fox please have a centrefire in your gun cabinet, as said the Hmr is great and the .22 rimrifle is good, if you can have all three .222 C/F .22Lr .17Hmr
  8. If i was buying a pup which i have done i would want to see the mother and the condition of where the dog was bought up, my dog cost me £450 (labrador) and this is what i did and was happy to buy. I don't know much about the hunting dogs but do know where you are coming from, its a sad world we live in when you have to be careful who comes to your front door.
  9. I am a member on 9 sites like this one and have done loads of deals and only be had over once but that did get sorted. The seller wanted me to send cash but I offered to do a bank transfer which was refused,then i was asked to do paypal which i said yes to but thought if something went wrong i wouldn't have a leg to stand on as paypal will not pay out on anything to do with guns, after 18 messages in total the seller feels this has turned sour, which is a shame but i still have my money
  10. When you do a deal on an item and the price is say over the £100 mark, would you feel it was unreasonable for the buyer to ask for a land line contact number and a name and address and the buyer asking has a post count of over 150, i feel in todays times with all the scams going on especially on these sort of forums you must get as much info as possible, i personally have no problem doing this and feel if you both have a talk on the phone you feel a bit more confident that its not a scam and if it is you have the info to take the matter futher (ie: sent money but no item.) I done this today
  11. Have you seen these http://www.flashaholics.co.uk/thrunite/thrunite-catapult-v3.html some good reports coming back,build quality is suppose to be excellent and better priced than others.
  12. I have the .22 /.17 hmr rimrifle also .223 / .243 C/F all are cleared for fox. .22 and the hmr are used at close range as i do a fair bit of fox shooting in back gardens,(yes i have an open ticket) 99% are head shots and i use .22 winchesters out to 50yards and hornady .17 Vmax at rangers to 100yards, i have used winchester .17 hmr 20grain which i found good at long distance but not close in work.
  13. I got my one from guntrader at £500 in wet camo and mint condition, Need that on the ticket and need deep pockets to buy and put the cartridges in
  14. For a semi that going to cost you around £330 new its a good buy, not my cup of tea but i do have one in the gun cabinet thats not be used since i got it second hand, but does make a good cheap back up gun. thanks alot maybe should save up and maybe get a berreta semi ? Yep that what i use Beretta 391 never miss a beat
  15. For a semi that going to cost you around £330 new its a good buy, not my cup of tea but i do have one in the gun cabinet thats not be used since i got it second hand, but does make a good cheap back up gun.
  16. Tyla well said lets not let this forum get like others, if you wish to knock peoples misfortunes join the bbs. I do hope Alan get the information he needs and get his rifle back and the person who stole the rifle get what he/she deserves.
  17. Steve did you receive my last PM ? as i do want the rifle.
  18. Took this as a part payment and never used it but have tried it to make sure it works and it does, it has a full user manual and some bits & bobs that come with it, it owes me £1500 but will swap for top end scope or simular or buy at £950
  19. Welcome to the forum, have a read here http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/67282-firearms-certificate/
  20. Thanks Markha, but i have googled it and spent ages trawling around sites looking for instructions and still cant find any, Del. Its as bangbang said in post 3
  21. So now you are implying that you shoot rabbits at 120yard to inflict pain on them and you what a .22 rimfire i wouldn't let you have a catapult mate, i've seen your video on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8YaffxjvsY and it took you 8 shots to hit two cans. Do youself a favour and stick to target shooting.
  22. Well the bit i have highlighted has just done it for me,if you can shoot a rabbit in the head with a sub 12ft air rifle at 120yards you don't need a .22 rimmy
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