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Everything posted by pestcontrol121

  1. Have a read here http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/66960-shotgun-certificate/
  2. Its OK providing the rifle is not loaded ammo is in a seperate compartment and you're over 18, also you have good reason to be carrying it in a public place ie: going to you shoot/range or just purchased it and so on.
  3. As i have said in posts before , you must have fox on your certificate and next to the rifle you wish to shoot like this.
  4. Clean the chamber out where the empty shell gets stuck as you can get a build up of muck, try giving it a good clean using something like these For the barrel use this For the chamber use this Than clean the chamber with this
  5. I haven't put in the order yet but I think it's sorted, If I use the 30mm ring with weaver rail attached and cut the weaver grab off the bottom I can use an extremely high reach 30mm mount for the torch but I can't attach a pic for some reason. I haven't got the quick release lever I want but at least the torch will clear the scope. No need to phone you now as that is the way to go
  6. sako will give you a bell later and let you know how to do it for under £30
  7. Cheque being cashed doesn't mean anything other than they have your application for FAC/SGC , don't worry about it, it can take a few months sometimes or a few weeks all down to how busy they are or whos on holiday at the office especially this time of year. If you have made a mistake on the forms they will soon contact you and let you know
  8. Why not buy these, normal mount on scope and off set on the V2
  9. Good set up claretcass you are not going to do much better, the envis is the best value for money out there. watch out bunnies and Mr Fox claretcass is about
  10. Thanks for that, Have one ordered, can`t wait to get out n about. Glad i could help
  11. well yeah it should stay. he is only informing you that I killed a rabbit at 135yards making a clean kill Yep and next week or month it will be how you shot a fox or deer at 135 yard with your 12ftlb air rifle you have been told its not the right thing to do yet you still persist in telling everyone on an open forum, looks great for our sport doesn't it
  12. Here we go again, you should read your posts before boasting http://www.thehuntin...es/page__st__15 Read post 14 & 16 & video on post 18 and 19 in my honest opinion you should not have a air rifle or even a pea shooter. http://www.youtube.com/user/ProVerminControl#p/u/3/n8qn0PWWfpo your a bit hypercriticle, you shoudn't be aloud a stone I don't see what that link has to do with me and why you think i am hypercritical or is this the child in you trying to fight back and honour the crap posts that you have put up you just give the sport a bad name,at the end of the day l
  13. Here we go again, you should read your posts before boasting http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/207044-advice-on-rimfires/page__st__15 Read post 14 & 16 & video on post 18 and 19 in my honest opinion you should not have a air rifle or even a pea shooter.
  14. Sold to me Arran, nice to talk to you and the money will be with you in the morning, PM sent with address to post.
  15. Lisenfeld 8x56 (As good as any at half the price if you can find one) IOR 6.5-24X50 (Great scope ) Also have for fox shooting x2 AGS swat for NV add-ons D480 NV gen 3 Night vixen/hth731 gen 2+ PVS-14 gen 3 Envis gen 3
  16. How much mate ? As its down to what ones you want ie: high/medium/low, one piece mount and so on Have a look here http://shop.ebay.co.uk/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p5197.m570.l1313&_nkw=Sportsmatch+mounts&_sacat=See-All-Categories
  17. Sportsmatch are good with a Lifetime Guarantee http://www.scopemounts.co.uk/
  18. Steve you had better hang on as this rifle is classed as a section 1 firearm and is not for anyone other than a person with a FAC and a slot for an air rifle, you could get up to 5 years imprisonment for having this in you possession, so i would say put the rifle back to 12ftlb before selling it. This is your message you sent me and yes i have a slot on my ticket but you are to hard to deal with and thats the reason i didn't go ahead with the sale.
  19. I wouldn't recomemed shooting hares with a sub 12ftlb air rifle but that me, there is no law on it other than you can't sell them from 1 March and 31 July, they are a fantastic animal to watch and its estimated that there is only around 750,000 left in the UK Link here http://www.ifaw.org/ifaw_united_kingdom/save_animals/hares/brown_hare.php
  20. If you are asking for a like for like or it can be called a one for one that fine at no cost but why not put in for a variation and ask for a .22lr or a .17 Hmr or both, she can only say no. Have a read here http://www.cambs.police.uk/firearms/forms.asp and here if the form with the price guide http://www.cambs-pa.gov.uk/user_files/meeting/meeting355/F&R%2020.01.09%20item%208%20appendix%202.pdf Good luck and hope all goes well for you
  21. These do the Career Hammer Spring £11.00 http://web.mac.com/trrobb/Accuracy_and_Power/Prices_and_Guns_for_sale.html
  22. Don't know if you're a member here Dave but some good info http://www.uklongrange.com/
  23. Good scope here http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/208079-for-sale-simmons-wtc-15-5x20-scope/ with a fantastic field of view and at a good price and not a complicated.
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