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Everything posted by rob190364

  1. What does a deerhound give to a greyhound cross other than it's size, doesn't it just slow it down? just curious. They seem really common on here.
  2. Nightmare!!....at least it wasn't raining
  3. Top lamper 2k10, its advice like that why I don't posr on here much these days! As fat as possible?? That's not good for anything, I'll stick to a well balanced nutritious diet for her thanks. And getting her fit as possible at 7 months when she's still growing??? Thanks but I'll ignore that advice if you don't mind. Thanks for the advice everyone else, when I take her out I stroll slowly and she's off the lead the whole time, she doesn't stop running and exploring and still sprints round the living room with her toys for half an hour when I get back. I make a point of not overdoing it by
  4. How long should you walk a pup for, I mean just walking round woods etc. Not hunting. I take my 12 week pup for a stroll for an hour a day, is that too much? She's running round the whole time, not lagging behind or anything. I don't think its doing any harm but I just want to make sure. What do people think?
  5. How old was it when you took the pic?
  6. Thanks for the comments. Yes to be honest he's took me by surprise, he's an absolute nightmare with other dogs so I though I was going to have to keep him muzzled for a couple of weeks to get used to her but he was fine from day one, that first vid is only the second day I had her! He has his own unique way of telling her off, basically one massive bark to make her ears ring seems to do the trick!
  7. not for working dogs Mine arnt though & i dont have 5 grand what for ........ The maximum fine i could get for not having an id disc on my dogs eh? where on earth did that come from? there isn't a law saying you've got to have an ID disc on a dog is there??
  8. Could me medicanimal.com, that's where I get all my flea and arthritis stuff for my dog, don't know about the parvo stuff though.
  9. I've got a hob and a jill, the hob is daft as a brush (although he turns into a demon when he gets a wiff of a bunny) but the jill is only soft with me, tries to bite literally everybody else who comes into contact with her. I'm getting a lurcher pup on Friday and want to introduce it to the ferrets straight away as it'll be used mainly as a ferreting dog. The problem I've got is just as a tester I held my jill against my mastiff and in the blink of an eye she tried to bite him. How do I get around this when I introduce the pup, the last thing I want is for the jill to bite the pup and the
  10. Bushing/mooching/lamping with a rottweiler....this site is losing credibility by the day!
  11. have you noticed your's is the scrawniest dog so far??? do me a favour, feed it before you even think about runnin it!!! look what we have here another trying to spoil a good topic, av seen this dog with my own to eyes and its in great shape, not skinny,FIT On virtually every post on here at the moment someone tries to turn it into an argument but I have to say that's the most blatant attempt so far, have these people really nothing better to do??
  12. Brilliant third pic, lovely dog!
  13. Thats an awful thing to say about your sister............ Don't be so flamin ridiculous!!!!...................no way could his sister be called skinny!
  14. Nature don't do ferrets mate, they're already man made ! Nature does polecats so according to that theory you should be working polecats. And without folk "messing around with genetics " there'd be no domestic animals whatsoever. May be you best rethink your opinion. Wild black footed ferrets are fictional then are they??
  15. I'm not one for automatically accusing someone of being an anti but don't you find it a bit wierd that someone with only 2 posts to their name has suggested keeping kits alive that are clearly badly deformed?? Even a vet wouldn't suggest doing that!!!!
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