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Everything posted by rob190364

  1. So the ban being lifted all hinges on a few words on The Hunting Life Sorry bloke, I ain't having it. No, not at all....but it does highlight the intelligence, motivations and opinions of a lot of people who are involved in hunting. Whether they're the minority, or the majority, it doesn't really matter. The fact is that it's the actions of these people that gets noticed and publicised the most and that's why lurcher men have such a bad reputation, simple as that.
  2. okay then mate, lets all just sit on our arses an wait for the ban to be fully lifted let me tell ye summat for nowt, its not getting lifted, NEVER now ye got 2 choices as i see it, stand up for what ye beleive an keep doing what ye always have an always will..... or sit aboot twinding yer thumbs an moaning about shite thats happening to some poor swine halfway across the world thats awready dead.............. i know what ill be doing lol ill be sorting me catch oot from lastnite Right on cue! there are a few people on this site who really should keep their th
  3. To be honest, if someone did want to do some damage to either hunting/hunters, or THL, all they have to do is post something like this and sit back and let certain people dig their own graves. There are some proper retards on this site and they're the people who will probably guarantee that a full lift of the ban will never happen!
  4. Love the photo I've often wondered what Edward Woodward was upto these days
  5. Don't give cooked chicken bones to ferrets!!! Raw are fine but not cooked.
  6. How would he be planning on taking the dogs for a mooch if he had no dogs??? It'd be a pretty crap mooch!
  7. Thanks for the replies lads...but no one's actually answered the first question. What's the difference between the two? Is it just that the MK1 doesn't have the pinpoint feature that the mk1 has?
  8. I did take the dry food out during the day, otherwise it would get covered in flies during the summer. Did you actually read my post? they were eating less than a handful of food per day....my point was that even though they were eating LESS THAN A HANDFUL OF FOOD PER DAY, they were still getting fat.
  9. Thanks for this, I don't think it does to be honest, I'll double check though.
  10. I feed mine meat at night and then clear out any they haven't eaten in the morning.
  11. Nice one, cheers. I thought mine was a bit on the small side, she's only 20tts, but it looks like she's still got a fair bit of growing to do then.
  12. I've found any dry food makes ferrets fat, better feeding them meat.....I get all mine from tesco, chicken wings (£1.50 for box), liver (60p), mince (£2 for about 800g), turkey (about £1.50 for a leg). When I put mine on dry food they piled on the weight and became proper lazy. Does anyone else find this? I wasn't overfeeding them either, I was only giving them a handful between them each day and they weren't eating all that!
  13. yeah I used to have one, I know how good they are. I was just wondering if the mk1 was any good as there are a lot on ebay, sounds like it's worth paying the extra to get another mk3 though.
  14. when the dog is fully grown do the knuckles on the wrists disappear completely? mine is 9 months old now but still has quite obvious knuckles on her wrists.
  15. What's the difference between the deben mk1 and the mk3? I used to have a mk3 and I'm looking for one now for next season, is the mk1 any good?
  16. Wow!!! what a cool vid, that's unbelievable!
  17. She certainly needs a good bumming, I'll admit to that. i give her my large hamster lol hahaha its funny how the reporter looks well disappointed when she mentions her boyfriend, he was well on the smooth until that point.....good lad!
  18. It's not a car or motorbike battery though so there aren't any poles to put a wire across, there's just a port for the charger and a port for the lamp. It still works with the lamp though so I'm assuming I haven't knackered it.
  19. hmm, I'm not sure what charging method it uses to be honest... this is the lamp/battery spec - http://www.nightsearcher.co.uk/Products/tabid/55/agentType/View/PropertyID/13/Default.aspx and the pic below is the label on the charger. Can you tell of this if they're compatible? the bloke I bought it off insists it charged his 750. cheers
  20. I think it actually puts hunting in a good light if anything. It always makes me laugh with anti hunting people, how they totally ignore the fact that the meat half of them will be eating for dinner are kept in bad conditions and killed inhumanely. It's also bizarre how whenever questioned about their beliefs they nearly always have to tell you what century it is.
  21. ah right, it's a 12v battery and the charger says 14.6v output.....will I have knackered the battery now then? I left it plugged in for about 20 minutes. cheers
  22. nice one, thanks for that. I can see the ratings/symbols on the charger but there's nothing on the battery to compare it with. I'll have a look to see if I can find it on their website to see if it matches what's on the charger. Cheers
  23. you'd think the dog would have more consideration for the limited concentration span of a certain type of individual wouldn't you!
  24. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/196051-anyone-know-about-electrics/
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