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Everything posted by rob190364

  1. part of you is.....your genitals my missus likes me shaving my bollox so what,and it makes your cock look bigger as well especially when the undergrowth is longer than the stalk....so to speak
  2. part of you is.....your genitals
  3. Hasn't this guy got anything better to do than put pathetic wind ups on here? They're not even funny!
  4. Had the same ghost visit me then...............the dirty b*****d had a shite in the bath...... Thought it was ghost stories not horror stories. Thats when i stayed with my mum...........she was mighty pissed of wi that ghost cause she had an early start at work and needed in the bath. Funnily enough my Dad thought it was the funniest 'ghost' story he has ever heard!!........ I'm just glad she wasn't in the bath when the ghost was actually visiting, would have given a whole new meaning to the phrase 'bath bomb'!
  5. Had the same ghost visit me then...............the dirty b*****d had a shite in the bath...... on another occassion the same ghost visited me again, only this time he put my shirt, trousers and shoes back on, lifted me and put me in my sister bed, but not before putting me out in the rain so I was piss wet through, and then scooping madras into my mouth by hand so it all went down the front of my shirt. It's all evidence that ghosts really do exist!! I can't think of any other explanation!!!
  6. I had another one many moons ago. I was 18, I'd been out and had quite a few stellas and then quietly went home and got into bed without incident. The next day the whole family was in a state of confusion, some friggin ghost has spewed all up the side of my sisters corsa, had eaten the out of date prawns my mum had put on top of the bin for chucking and had pissed all over my fishing photographs that were on the side, ruining all bar one!!!
  7. Not really....but it just seems a bit bizarre to me to avoid woodland when taking dogs for a walk. Maybe I'm wrong though and I'm an accident waiting to happen? She's going to be a ferreting/mooching dog though so I need her to be well practiced at running through all types of terrain really.
  8. If it was possible for a chicken to haunt you I'd definitely have been haunted by now, I choke one every single morning!
  9. My ma and pas house has some strange goings on, we all laugh about it being the old bloke that used to live there that died in a car accident 2 weeks after we bought the house off him. I was staying there on my own when I was about 20 cos they'd gone on holiday, I got up one morning and went downstairs and the gas ring on the cooker was on full blast but not lit, but if I'd have somehow left it on from the night before the whole house would have stunk of gas and I'd have been blown into the next village when I came down and turned the light on. Also, when we moved in we have a loft conversio
  10. I've got a Fujifilm HS10, a hybrid camera with 30x zoom and decent features. I'm well pleased with it, don't know what someone who's really into photography would think of it but for the amateur like myself it's quality. Cost a little bit more than £175 though, probably about £225 now.
  11. That may cause more problems than it helps. Easy for dogs to knock up toes, legs running into trees, on fallen branches and the multitude of things hidden in the undergrowth. You cannot wrap them in cotton wool but at the same time avoid places which can cause injury if you don't need to go I'm not being funny but avoiding woodland when taking them for a walk IS wrapping them in cotton wool! What do you do, stick to fields or roads and nothing else? If you avoid woodlands and then when out hunting it happens to chase something into woodland surely there's more chance of it then runni
  12. you'd get rid of a dog cos it was a fussy eater????
  13. Read my post, the main point is I can't get hold of him, he doesn't respond to anything. I'm not moaning as such, I'm informing people of what to expect when dealing with this man.
  14. If the THL mods are genuine about doing whatever they can to prevent their members from being ripped off then this posts should definitely not be locked or deleted! If it is it's a joke!
  15. He is eating his pies. Don't give them a reason to delete the thread by putting childish insults on. If the thread stays on it's decent info for people looking to buy a catapult (I wish I'd seen something like this before I bought mine).
  16. Surely a catapult should be made to withstand a fork strike though?? I'll try his website. The main point I was making was that if you're selling via ebay as a business, you should be responding to messages on ebay, I've given him a week to reply and had nothing....not good enough. If he hasn't got time due to other commitments he should stop selling them on ebay until he does have time to look after his customers.
  17. yeah seen those ones from Barnet, they seemed a bit too cheap though so it put me off a bit, might give them a go though.
  18. Can't be because it's on the side that's facing away from you when firing...
  19. I bought a hunter catapult (ergo 2) a few weeks back, used it just before I went on hol, then again when I came back and after less that 50 shots a piece of the wood has broken away above where the elastic is attached. It's still useable but it's a bit shit to spend £25 of a catapult to have it damaged so quickly. It wasn't abused or dropped or anything like that, it's come away with just normal use. So, I've sent a couple of messages to fishfish on here and also sent him a message on ebay saying it's pretty poor quality and I think I should either be able to send it back for repair, ge
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