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Everything posted by rob190364

  1. Most bizarre thread award and most mental member.....and double award winner goes to........ http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/207934-what-a-walk-must-be-off-my-rocker/
  2. When the " Ugly retarded freak" section is started am sure you'll feature highly.......... I'm telling you, it's just pure chemistry :kiss:
  3. just out of curiosity....how come you had loads of rats in your garden?????
  4. I work in advertising and a client of one of my collegues is a company that represents charities by signing people up by direct debit. A very, very small percentage of your £3 a month goes to the actual charity. The one we work with pays the wages of 15 collections staff and four managers and spends £5k per week on putting their staff in shopping centres, shops, shows, events etc......put £3 a month in a tin on the shop counter, or better still as Ideation says, give your time for proper fundraising activities for the charities themselves, that's where you'll really make an impact
  5. don't eat corned beef, can't sleep cos of indigestion! BAH!

    1. lunita


      i have gaviscon so im sorted ....rob ul have to raid your cupboards ..lol

    2. rob190364


      I've had a couple of rennies and now I'm nailing a cammomile tea to try and nod off, out with the dog at 7am before work!!!!


    3. Kay


      i hope you nod off before 3 am, i dont think i will though..lol

    4. Show next comments  645 more
  6. Are you sure it wasn't Earth and his missus?
  7. Do you live in royston vase by any chance?
  8. I saw someone with a doberman with a friggin wetsuit on the other day, what's that all about?!?! I mean bermuda shorts and a vest fine, but surely it'd be too hot in a wet suit in summer
  9. yes, and between the three of us we make some crackin home videos
  10. :laugh: Hope your dad gets his motor back....... can i ask why you think its funny its not a laughing matter if you had you car stollen would that be funny i only put it on this forum as they is not many g reg red mk4 escort cabs with a red soft top roof and if you see one not in sheffield you could still let us know thanks getting the car stolen definitely isn't a laughing matter bud, hope he gets it back.........the funny sentence is "my dad has an XR3i". Seriously, you must have known people would take the piss when you put that?? Hope he gets it back though If no
  11. What colour ferret is best. My alsation x was catching hares at 6 months (malc1) I was running my pup at night through woodland at 3 months (malc 1 again)
  12. "Whippets are shit" as just a general sweeping statement is another classic.
  13. "Is it OK to feed my dog/ferret raw meat"
  14. :laugh: Hope your dad gets his motor back....... can i ask why you think its funny its not a laughing matter if you had you car stollen would that be funny i only put it on this forum as they is not many g reg red mk4 escort cabs with a red soft top roof and if you see one not in sheffield you could still let us know thanks getting the car stolen definitely isn't a laughing matter bud, hope he gets it back.........the funny sentence is "my dad has an XR3i". Seriously, you must have known people would take the piss when you put that?? Hope he gets it back though If no
  15. Check this one out....this is pretty bad...
  16. It must be correct because they wrote it???? are you new to this forum or what????
  17. Yes I remember that, it was like he was outraged that someone wanted to see his aswell
  18. What's the reason for the sale? Cheers
  19. if you exclude dominatrix prostitutes....not me!
  20. :laugh: Hope your dad gets his motor back....... can i ask why you think its funny its not a laughing matter if you had you car stollen would that be funny i only put it on this forum as they is not many g reg red mk4 escort cabs with a red soft top roof and if you see one not in sheffield you could still let us know thanks getting the car stolen definitely isn't a laughing matter bud, hope he gets it back.........the funny sentence is "my dad has an XR3i". Seriously, you must have known people would take the piss when you put that?? Hope he gets it back though If no
  21. If terrorists blew that town off the face of the planet and then on investigation it showed that the terrorists were taking pictures and filming in front of the police who didn't even question why they were doing it, you would be the first person to start bleeting about how useless the police were for not even questioning what they were doing. It's the terrorism in this country that have made it necessary for the police to keep an eye on what's going on, and quite frankly if it reduces the chances of innocent people getting killed I couldn't give a rats ass about having to give the police
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