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Everything posted by rob190364

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8E4I4hLN4k
  2. Compo, and Alf Garnet (on the episodes that marigold was in, comedy genuis!)
  3. Is it just me or does the whole story sound a bit odd? I don't know about everyone else but all the foxes I've ever seen would be far too quick for you to get anywhere near never mind be quick enough to be able to wack it with a golf club.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-nt9YUDpZw&feature=related
  5. hobnob! id bash anyones head in if they nicked one of my hobnobs,.... a fox wouldnt have a chance rofl if it was a party ring I'd rip its bottom jaw off and stick it up its arse! Brian May claims to be animal rights..............................he's been committing crimes against some 'hairs' for years.........BRING IT ON
  6. My point exactly, if he's going to hit it he needs to make sure he kills it, not just injures it. I'm amazed he wasn't done for "causing unnecessary suffering". I don't know what the fuss is all about, golfers hit birdies all the time and Brian Mays not arsed about them is he.........................................boom boom
  7. All you would see is a picture of his wife posing, and the lepoard chewing some ones face in the background. leopard? I've heard of it being referred to as a beaver before but never a leopard!
  8. I've got a vectra....only not just any vectra, a 1.6, with a knackered exhaust and a stain in the boot where my groundbait container leaked This has to be the worst excuse for a come stain mark ever............ ...and you don't even wanna know how I knackered the exhaust pipe!!! There you go boasting again.......... you shouldn't resent people that work hard, it took me ages to find an extra small pea shooter exhaust so I deserve to enjoy it!
  9. I've got a vectra....only not just any vectra, a 1.6, with a knackered exhaust and a stain in the boot where my groundbait container leaked This has to be the worst excuse for a come stain mark ever............ ...and you don't even wanna know how I knackered the exhaust pipe!!!
  10. Thats a shame, when your a big boy you may get a full size one! lol lol
  11. nice one, I might see you there then god knows why they've put that you can't take dogs - http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/main/w-events-find_event.htm?uuid=43889918-b5f9-45a6-9b03-26cff7f634e9
  12. is watching baby TV with babba while trying to get some work done......it's strangely therapeutic!

    1. sighthound1811


      lol...is it the vegimals or eggbird ....atb..chris

    2. Lee85


      it's all about the tomliboo's

    3. rob190364


      got a bit of hungry henry going on at the moment

    4. Show next comments  636 more
  13. I've got a vectra....only not just any vectra, a 1.6, with a knackered exhaust and a stain in the boot where my groundbait container leaked and before anyone starts dragging this up every time I put a post on....I'm proud of my asset, so f'ck off!!!
  14. I've got a vectra....only not just any vectra, a 1.6, with a knackered exhaust and a stain in the boot where my groundbait container leaked
  15. hold on I'll send you the link to my webcam
  16. nowt like light hearted banter is there!
  17. AFRICANS??? wtf am I looking at?????????? classic I tell you scent, just 3 hours sleep and a shit load of coffee and you start seeing alsorts!!!! but when you start seeing nig nogs in front of your eyes it's time to get back to bed I think!!!
  18. AFRICANS??? wtf am I looking at??????????
  19. Look at the gun man on that last pic just chillin leaning against a post watching.....those africans are far too relaxed for their own good!
  20. I love the fact that a leopard was on the rampage killing people and someone had the thought, and the steady hand to take some brilliant pictures!!
  21. your excused no i have not had a weekend of since Feb so bloody much work aint had a chance to stop, next weekend will be mad got a shoot on got to entertain a load of coppers and some local MP's. paul wow, work monster!!! well enjoy it pal, you deserve it by the sounds of it!
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